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pick these energies. I tend to look at it like this. The energy being put out by our thoughts, movements, actions and everything else that makes life so wonderful could be called the “music of the Universe”.

Our bodies, the magnificent machines that they are, were designed to be a receiver of that beautiful music.

As you realize, different brands and models of machines work differently. Some work better than others. Some get damaged over time and some simply break down from lack of use or even over use. How well you receive that beautiful music depends on the shape your receiver is in.

Repairing your Psychic Abilities Receiver

The question then becomes how do you personally repair your receiver? There is no doubt you were designed to be able to receive the Universal Music of life, but somewhere along the line your receiver got broke. It may be off channel and we just need to turn the knobs a little. Or you may have blown a few fuses someplace in the machinery and we’ve got to dig around till we find and replace them.

Rest assured however if you are willing to work at it, you can develop your psychic abilities.

The next step, Learning to Listen

If you are still reading at this point, I hope you have accepted the first step to developing your psychic abilities, believing you have psychic abilities. If not, don’t go any further. Go immediately to our forum and ask for help. If you can not accept you already have psychic abilities, you will never have

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