Imagine being “in tune with your inner self” and being able to access Cosmic Conscious. Check out this channel for a message from a guy who was able to do just that. This is a film adaptation, in seven parts, of a book he wrote in verse, very quickly. It includes how to accelerate brain evolution, as well as a powerful prophecy. Be on the forefront and check this message out. He was the guy who brought the idea of kundalini to the West.
I like you. You’re cool.
The problem with most people an prayer is that they claim to pray and pray for things and those things don’t happen, then the say ” well I prayed and God doesn’t answer my prayers” it never dawns on them that God did answer there prayers, he simply said “No that’s not for you” even if you put effort. (acceptance)
“I just got out of the gym.” . . . .HAHAHA This is pretty much the definition of materialistic western culture. How hypocritical. Every soccer mom from Cali thinks she’s a spiritual guru.
have you heard of the gnostic teachings of samael aun weor. What he teaches is a practical method of spirituality, no dogmas or theories gnosis is about freeing the conciousness from its conditioning as it is the conciousness wwhen free can understand god and the spirit. Try the website gnostic teachings for more info.
I could be wrong, but I do believe the Bible says God doesn’t like when people shove religion down the throats of others. He would rather you practice in secret rather than rub it in.
Spiritual feelings are lifted through gorgeous music. Try clicking my blue name to experience it at this very moment. My blue name on the left Much love and please enjoy.
you all are dumb spirituality is not something you teach, it is something you have, how can you teach someone about something they already have. you just have to own a open mind.
a guide on how to warp your view of reality. nice.
everyone is on a path whether they know it or not. and its not really necessary to know it.
its not a good idea to drive while making a vid.
good wishes
dam this girl is awsome lol all people shuld be more like her people dont love anymore but i do and i have hope for the world
Imagine being “in tune with your inner self” and being able to access Cosmic Conscious. Check out this channel for a message from a guy who was able to do just that. This is a film adaptation, in seven parts, of a book he wrote in verse, very quickly. It includes how to accelerate brain evolution, as well as a powerful prophecy. Be on the forefront and check this message out. He was the guy who brought the idea of kundalini to the West.
I like you. You’re cool.
@SanguineBullet667 She’s in Georgia.
The problem with most people an prayer is that they claim to pray and pray for things and those things don’t happen, then the say ” well I prayed and God doesn’t answer my prayers” it never dawns on them that God did answer there prayers, he simply said “No that’s not for you” even if you put effort. (acceptance)
see my channel for true spirituality.
Well said! Peace and positive energy from Canada
@SanguineBullet667 Don’t base your opinion on ignorance. Listen to what she’s saying..
“I just got out of the gym.” . . . .HAHAHA This is pretty much the definition of materialistic western culture. How hypocritical. Every soccer mom from Cali thinks she’s a spiritual guru.
i would really recomand for you to stop making vids while you drive XD
have you heard of the gnostic teachings of samael aun weor. What he teaches is a practical method of spirituality, no dogmas or theories gnosis is about freeing the conciousness from its conditioning as it is the conciousness wwhen free can understand god and the spirit. Try the website gnostic teachings for more info.
@WhiteWomanSinging This is true, but there are still things you, (your soul) knows it SHOULD NOT do.
@sam51092 this is almost on the right track, but not.
@SON0KONG omg comments like this deserve to be ignored.
@SON0KONG omg learn to spell!
Your god behaves like a jealous spoiled child. Pagan GODS (who are NOT demons) are about love.
I could be wrong, but I do believe the Bible says God doesn’t like when people shove religion down the throats of others. He would rather you practice in secret rather than rub it in.
i agre with tiptoe chick, beautifully told!!!
Spiritual feelings are lifted through gorgeous music. Try clicking my blue name to experience it at this very moment. My blue name on the left
Much love and please enjoy.
Word… That was nice girl…
you’re dumb as shit
you all are dumb spirituality is not something you teach, it is something you have, how can you teach someone about something they already have. you just have to own a open mind.
@PrettyTigerlilly Yeah, I know. Some people you can get through to, others are beyond help.