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My personal views and experiences in being openly pagan, from 20 years ago until now. Hopefully the next one will be a sharper quality image, once we learn more about how iMovies works.

25 Responses to Being a Public Pagan

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @TheBlondDaemon – As a general rule, I’ve found that the reactions are polite interest, deeper interest or “oh, OK.”

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @bella6661muerte – We had a nice long discussion with some Witnesses a few months ago about being pagan. They were spooked at first, but to their credit they didn’t flee.

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @ItsSnottyBee – Paganism is a broad umbrella term that basically encompasses all belief systems and religions that are non-Abrahamic. Wicca is a specific religion that falls under that umbrella.

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @RagnarKraki I think pagans/heathens share a commonaility with others who don’t follow the mainstream – there are stereotypes in place that we really have to make a conscious effort to overcome.

  • RagnarKraki says:

    I am a Scandinavian Heathen. I feel that your issues being wiccan are connected to my issues being Heathen. I am open about my faith and I have never been accused of the negative stereotypes. It is refreshing to see someone who does not fit the negative stereotypes such as yourself. I try really hard to be an upstanding citizen and find that since I don’t come off like a wierdo or a racist, no one calls me a wierdo or a racist.

  • bella6661muerte says:

    The first time I admitted to being a witch was to a Johovas Witness. I thought they’d launch into a big long god lecture but they didnt. They handed me a few leaflets and asked me questions about what I belived in.
    Majorly they were grateful that I took the tme out of my day to talk to them, they so often get the door slammed in their face and people not interested.
    The hardest people to tell are certain friends who tried to tell ME what pagans belived in.

  • mandachaos says:

    @ItsSnottyBee if I were you I would look for a new age store near you, a lot of New age stores teach classes, some dealing with that difference. Good luck!

  • ItsSnottyBee says:

    I’m an agnostic and am interested in Paganism and Wicca, and I’m actually doing some research and trying to distinguish between the two.

  • TheBlondDaemon says:

    you speak alot of sense, i do a religious studies course at a christian university and on my course we have all sorts of beliefs and attitudes and i have mentioned about being pagan and the overwhelming response was interest and inquisitiveness, only had one bad reaction, and even they are not aggressive about, but use if losing a debate with me, lol.

  • ImDiffrentSoWhat says:

    I am not secretly pagan, but I’ve never seen many times to bring up my religon. I got into a talk with one guy in class becaus he’s intrested in talking to other pepole about thier diffrent belifs. Honestly I don’t even know of many ways that the conversation would be brought up anyway. Most pepole however don’t really care one way or the other about what religon anyon is. You offer an older wisdom to this, most pagans I see are teenagers or in thier twentys.

  • amethyst48 says:

    I am a North Carolina Pagan/Wiccan/Druid. I lost my teaching job by not hiding enough. I don’t really hide, I am just not in your face about it. I love you vid, you did a great job. You go sister-btw I am 51 and my kids schools know.

  • electricmyth says:

    i am extremely independently spiritual and i love your opinion on things

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @albritjc – Thank you! I usually taped right after work, because inspiration tends to come during the day.

  • albritjc says:

    You are so bright and professional. It’s good to have this “socially equal” face representing the wiccan community…even if this is youtube.

  • thepixieful says:

    lost secret of the stone age by richard rudgley.
    also The burning times documentary here on You Tube. both excellent. your video on presentation is excellent.
    Crowley said “neat but not gawdy”.

  • theAuroraLilyLauren says:

    Thank you for your video~

  • AmericanPrincess109 says:

    @WiccanTexan Houston.

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @AmericanPrincess109 – What part of Texas?

  • AmericanPrincess109 says:

    I love your video. I’m a Wiccan in Texas, too. What you’re saying is so true! 🙂

  • fubar2469 says:

    @WiccanTexan thanks lol cuz like ive been told that no “dietys” is no religion but i see differnt plus i like it more this why and ive meet plenty of pagans that dont have dietys lol

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @MegaBradybunch – No, just defiantly reading documented history. I recommend “The Triumph of the Moon – A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft” by Ronald Hutton, history professor at the University of Bristol.

  • MegaBradybunch says:

    @WiccanTexan Sure it is you defiantly are misleading people

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @fubar2469 – Sure! Your personal spirituality is your own business.

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @FluffyFeralMarmot – Very true. I can only speak from my own experience. However, I do know that being here in south Texas, “Bush country,” having relatively little conflict is significant enough to point out. I have found that many pagans who run into trouble around every corner also tend to be looking for it to begin with, consciously or subconsciously. I encourage folks to look objectively at their own behavior first before blaming an outside “discrimination.”

  • WiccanTexan says:

    @MegaBradybunch – Paganism is not a religion unto itself. The theory of the “underground witchcraft/pagan religion” has been debunked for a good 20 years now. The symbolism you speak of was during the merge of pagan and Christian beliefs.

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