Black Candle Magic – Can You Too Practice it at Home?
Conjurors and magicians belonging to the decade of the forties followed the instructions of Henri Gamache and started burning lights i.e. free standing tiny little candles hued in different colors. The purposes served by burning colored candles were either exerting control or influence over others or wreaking vengeance or obtaining protection from the evil or for drawing money, love, luck or attraction.
Each of these colors in colored altar candles has a unique significance and vestiges of African religious symbolism which got mixed up with European magical traditions influenced these altar candles’ color symbolism.
Black Candle Magic
Black is the color of Saturn; it stands for freedom from evil, sorrow, dark thoughts and repulsion. There are also double action candles where black is mixed with another color. A green and black candle is used in magic spells for removing money jinxing.
Black and white combo candles are used for returning the evil to the sender, whereas, a black and red candle is used for removing a spell/curse for jinxing love. Spiritually, black candles do not stand for color, but represent the absence of light.
Black Candle Magic is widely used during any satanic ritual. The several uses of Black Candle Magic include ushering in confusion and discord or for inciting slow destruction of enemies or for binding negative forces.
Black Candle Magic spell
This is a very simple anti love spell that can be performed at home. Get hold of a black candle and inscribe on it the name of the taker along with the words ‘good bye’ or ‘adieu’. Now anoint this black candle with uncrossing oil. Then you have to place at
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