The Tower by Bruce Dickinson from his album, The Chemical Wedding. (1998) Track 03 Lyrics: There are twelve commandments There are twelve divisions Twelve are the pagans who have mapped the sky In the outer circle To the inner sanctum From the octave at the end of time The fountain, the trinity The pilgrim is searching for blood To look for his own free will The stone of infinity, washed in the flood Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided And the hanged man smiles Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided Let the fool decide In the atom circle Where we break the stars Hammer into anvil, stuffing out the sun Witness all the killing See the birth of Mars Our religion thrown into the fire The fountain, the trinity The pilgrim is searching for blood To look for his own free will The stone of infinity, washed in the flood Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided The hanged man smiles Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided The magician laughs Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided And the priestess kneels Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided Let the fool decide Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided And the hanged man smiles Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided Let the fool decide Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided The priestess kneels to receive Lovers in the tower The moon and sun divided The magician laughs
Description of the Tower Tarot Card for a Man
@harveydents Exactly man =]
Cheers V
@TheAerosmither I agree they are all awesome but ADRIAN is the big gun!
@Aljax21 EXCELLENT…i have been a maiden fan since 1981, and a crowley follower since 90……it is great…Dickinson knows the subject material and you can tell when you watch the film…OH make sure to watch for BRUCES cameo in the beginning..he is the HOTEL OWNER crouching over ALeister as he dies!
Sweet song! intro sounds like wrathchild ii think:P
@Aljax21 Bruce wrote the screenplay so it must be good
@Foruthreskide well……you couldnt call it the bruce dickenson band with out BRUCE DICKENSON
bufff janick gers is abysmal guitarrist adrian smith is the best guitarrist of iron maiden with diference up the irons!!!!!
any one seen the chemical wedding is it worth watching
very similar actually good spottin
@jnorrisish….well my friend =] you just named my second favorite player >>> jannick …even if they say he’s a new member!
but when it comes to live shows…honestly non of the members can match the studio solo exactly like Adrian… i saw them twice in Dubai and he just blew my mind =] its was like listening to the studio version of Wasted Years. thats how good he was.
Cheers V
@TheAerosmither thank you! finally someone that knows! but dont forget jannick gers and his butchering of adrians solos!
what an intro by Adrain…this guy is the most brilliant player among Iron Maiden members!
except for Steve Harris of course =]
Cheers V
wrathchild? intro
False, this was Adrian Smith and Roy Z
Love this song, it would be really cool to have a video of this with animated tarot cards or something.
Sic as shiiit, OMG The drums kill
it’s much,much better than maiden of this era
Listen to “soul intruders” from the 2005 album.Tyranny Of Souls……… much much better!
Bull fucking shit, his solo shit while it wasnt better than Maiden, it was just as good.
Yeah his solo shit isnt that great
the intro is almost the same
dark994…Excellent Post!