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Zionist America will be turned into the New World Order as it proceeds with the early ideals of those who created it. For people today who have known the America of our forefathers, it no longer exists. That America today is gone. The Zionist, New World order is in charge today. Its agenda is world domination. Its tool, knowledge and power.

The building of this empire has seen cracks in its foundation which have been appearing for a long time. Many thought the end result would put this Zionist America at the top. Instead, it will be swallowed up in the New World Order. The goal was never to rule the world by one nation alone called America. But to rule the world, through a New World Order, that is by a system of Government run by elitists who by knowledge and power have the final say in all things. In the end, the concept of this knowledge of a new perfect man-made order will be ruled by the son of perdition. Before he does this, many things will happen in America. The end result will be, the America as you have known it will cease to exist. I have said that phrase many times in the past, going back all my life. I have known this. I knew the time would come as this. It is almost here.

This Zionist America, that men have clamored for, has caused many problems. There are leaders today who see this as a white Judeo Christian nation. That all our problems stem from the white man oppressing the colored peoples of all nations. One who foments this view is a staunch bigot himself, although he is black, he is a bigot, none-the-less. His name is Louis Farakhan. In a recent speech before the Navajo nation he urged people of color worldwide to come together, adding that uniting of people of color would outnumber white people 11 million to

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