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Question by Crystal: Buying Pagan ritual herbs and such?
I just recently found paganism. I am trying to learn more about it and start doing rituals and such. But the problem is I have no idea how to buy the herbs and things I need, where could I buy things like this, or how do I find places to buy the things I need? Thank you very much for your help.

Best answer:

Answer by Meister9
Order them from

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to Buying Pagan ritual herbs and such?

  • Ruth Aravah - JBC says:

    answer: You could order them from Wicca on-line shops or get fresh herbs from the grocery store or health-food stores. Some items you’ll probably have to order on-line.

    Incense, you experiment until you find ones you like that aren’t going to drive your nose nuts.

    one store’s incense I’ve always preferred over the heavily oiled mass production incense is found here:

    their dried herbs are fairly fresh and the prices are reasonable.

    1)Ignore the fundies saying you’ll go to hell and are opening yourself up to demons. They don’t believe in either.
    2)Get the book: Wicca, a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham ( used books is a great resource)
    3)Avoid Silver Ravenwolf, DJ Conway and most Llewellyn books
    4)Do NOT pay for lessons over the internet. You can’t ask for references. Do NOT give out personal information to anyone over the internet. Get a PO Box.
    6)Learn and keep learning about various paths in paganism.
    7)get the book: “Drawing Down the Moon” by Margo Adler (an older book that’s a little dated, especially concerning Asatru but a good resource) – it gives an overview on a lot of pagan traditions. Might help you narrow things down.
    8)I probably won’t be able to help you beyond basics. I haven’t been Wiccan in over 15 years.

  • purrsian73 says:

    If you can’t find any local hippie smoke shops then unfortunately you may have to resort to the internet. Alot of herbs are natural and can be home grown or bought at the grocery store. I have a great book called the supermarket wiccan it has some great stuff.

  • Rai A says:

    I’d suggest research before practice.

    Witchvox is a good generalised resource.


  • Joan says:

    You don’t always need ritual herbs and the grocery store has a lot of them. For instance in abundancy spells, the bay leaf is used. For opening up your third eye type spells, nutmeg whole nuts are used. You can also find a lot of the herbs you need out in your yard or a field. Mullein is a common one and so is dandelion. Just because you pick it yourself out of the field doesn’t diminish it’s magickal properties.

    There are other forms of magick to use too, like candle magick, moon magick, petition magick, cord magick and my personal favorite, sex magick.

    I hope this helped.

    Blessed Be

  • ~~**Ma'iingan**~~ says:

    Grocery stores, dollar stores, department stores that all have sections with seasonings will carry basic herbs used in many Pagan rituals. Also bulk food stores will carry a variety of herbs. You can also grow your own herbs, by buying the seeds in the summer. You can also obtain many herbs if you become more familiar with the local plant life in your area…you’d be surprised with what grows right in your own back yard.

    If all else fails, try online pagan stores such as AzureGreen. They carry a wide variety of pagan herbs.

  • prana_devi says:

    If you can’t find a local source and need to branch out into the internet to find your goods, I highly recommend Lucky Mojo as a source for most herbs, roots, minerals, and curios used in North American folk magic.

    If you are very interested in herbal magic, then the book Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic by Cat Yronwode is a superlative resource for North American folk magic also! It’s packed full of herbs, their latin names, magical uses, and spells you can use them in which include full recipes that include other herbs. It also has a very handy listing in the back that breaks down different magical needs and the ingredients that correspond to them. That book is also available through Lucky Mojo.

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