Findings at a glance
Chronology in detail
Further documents, including detailed report
Reports on Enron and the California Energy Crisis by McCullough Research page includes a large number of downloadable reports, some of which were presented as evidence during investigations into the causes of the crisis. The McCollough research generally supports the position that the energy markets were manipulated unethically.
Congestion Manipulation “DeathStar” (June 5, 2002)
Senate Fact Sheet on the California Energy Crisis (June 26, 2002)
Three Crisis Days At The California ISO (Sept 17, 2002)
C66 and the Artificial Congestion of California Transmission in January 2001 (Nov 29, 2002)
California Electricity Price Spikes: The Factual Evidence (Jan 16, 2003)
Testimony of Behalf of City of Tacoma and Port of Seattle (March 2, 2003)
Prepared Rebuttal Testimony of Robert McCullough on Behalf of The City of Seattle, Washington (March 20, 2003)
Fat Boy Report (Regional Economic Losses from Enron’s Fat Boy Scheme) (May 28, 2003)
Reading Enron’s Scheme Accounting Materials (June 28, 2004)
Susan L. Pope, “California Electricity Price Spikes: An Update on the Facts” (Dec 9, 2002) (Opposes the McCullough research and supports the view that the crisis was an outcome of genuine problems with supply and demand)
Manifesto on The Californian Electricity Crisis
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