ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN –“Another artist, recognising a higher power above, gladly works as a humble apprentice beneath God’s heaven; then, however, his responsibility for everything that is written or drawn, for the souls which perceive his work, is more exacting than ever. But, in return, it is not he who has created this world, not he who directs it, there is no doubt as to its foundations; the artist has merely to be more keenly aware than others of the harmony of the world, of the beauty and ugliness of the human contribution to it, and to communicate this acutely to his fellow-men. And in misfortune, and even at the depths of existence in destitution, in prison, in sickness — his sense of stable harmony never deserts him.”
ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN –“One artist sees himself as the creator of an independent spiritual world;… but he crumples beneath it, for a mortal genius is not capable of bearing such a burden. Just as man in general, having declared himself the centre of existence, has not succeeded in creating a balanced spiritual system. And if misfortune overtakes him, he casts the blame upon the age-long disharmony of the world, upon the complexity of today’s ruptured soul, or upon the stupidity of the public.”
ALEXANDER SOLZHENITSYN –“You only have power over people so long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything he’s no longer in your power — he’s free again.”
ALEXANDER SOLZHENTISYN – “The thought of a prisoner- they’re not free either. They keep returning to the same things.”
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