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ECCLESIASTICUS –“Be not wanting in comforting them that weep, and walk with them that mourn. Be not slow to visit the sick: for by these things thou shall be confirmed in love.”

ECCLESIASTICUS –“Kindle not the coals of sinners by rebuking them, lest thou be burnt with the flame of the fire of their sins.”

ECCLESIASTICUS –“Many tyrants have sat on the throne, and he whom no man would think on, hath worn the crown.”           

ECCLESIASTICUS –“Work your work before the time, and he will give you your reward in his time.” 

ECKHART –“God must be sought in estrangement, forgetfulness and non-sense; for the Godhead has in it all things in posse without the least likeness to anything.”    

ECKHART –“He who would be what he ought to be must stop being what he is.”            

ECKHART –“I say that next to God there is no nobler thing than suffering… I hold, if anything were nobler than suffering, God would have saved mankind therewith, for we might well accuse him of being unfriendly to his Son if he knew of something superior to suffering… Further, I maintain, no man apart from God has ever been so holy or so good as to deserve the least nobility such as the smallest suffering would give… I tell you, right suffering is the mother of all virtues, for right suffering so subdues the heart, it cannot rise to pride but perforce is lowly.” 

ECKHART –“Things are all made from nothing; hence their true source is nothing.”   

ECKHART –“Virgin is… a person void of

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