not need; Every vein of mine has become taut like a wire, the (Brahman’s) girdle I do not need.
AMIR KHUSRAU –“If I cannot see her, at least I can think of her, and so be happy; to light the beggar’s hut no candle is better than moonlight.”
AMIR KHUSRAU –“The cloud weeps, and I become separated from my friend — How can i separate my heart from my heart’s friend on such a day The cloud weeping — and land the friend standing, bidding farewell — I weeping separately, the clouds separately, the friend separately.”
AMIR KHUSRO –“I become you, you become me I become the soul, you the heart, How can they now claim I am apart, you are apart?”
AMITABH BACHCHAN –“I’ve always thought of myself as an actor doing his job to the best of his ability.”
AMITABH BACHCHAN –“When you want to break the rules in a positive way, look for the rules in the way ordinary people want them broken.”
AMIYA ROY CHOWDHRI –“ God is available here and now. The God you are searching for resides in your heart. Asceticism, austerity, penance, physical restrictions, mechanical chanting — all these are egotistic activity When you drop your ego you attain the wantless state.
AMIYA ROY CHOWDHRI –“ Mahanam, God’s Name comes from deep within a person’s consciousness. Its two rhythmic sounds manifest the bipolarity of human existence. The sounds harmonise the duality between humans and God. When we walk daily with the conscious companionship of the Supreme Soul, our inner Divine Consciousness is awakened.”
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