AMIYA ROY CHOWDHRI –“If your consciousness has Him at its centre, all manifestation and non-manifestation appear as your own Self. Only one existence is perceived. If your centre is in energy, variously known as Maya or Prakriti, you conceive yourself as a separate entity divided by the walls of body matter and ego.
AMIYA ROY CHOWDHRI –“Puja is the identification of the worshipper with the worshipped. Without this identification with the Supreme Being, worship could get reduced to mechanical performance of rituals or observation of convention.
AMOLD GLASGOW –“One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize the problem before it becomes an emergency.”
AMOS BBONSONALCOTT –“One must be a wise reader to quote wisely and well.”
AMOZD TOYNBEE –“Mythology is an intuitive form of apprehending and expressing universal truths.”
AMRITA PRITAM “A religious discussion was to take place between Adi Shankara and Mandan Mishra. Sharda or Saraswati was judge. Both were offered similar as an ass to sit on. Sharda put fresh flower garlands round the necks of the two scholars and said, “The wearer of the garland whose flowers
AMRITA PRITAM –“There is but one creation in this world which emanated from the ripples of a long silence. Osho tells us that Mahavira was silent for years. He did not express any Sutra by speech or by writing. But his 11 disciples continued to be by his side all through. They observed and felt Mahavira’s silence vibrating. Whatever each one of them heard within himself, separately, was all alike.
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