experience of connection is permanent, unbroken and inescapable.”
ANDREW COHEN –“Spiritual progress itself is part of the illusion, even though it seems real. Something has happened, I’m changing, I’m going somewhere, something is happening to me. Finally one realises that nothing happened, ever. You realise that all the drama of life was only a dream. Even the waking up.”
ANDREW COHEN –“The age of personal or individual enlightenment is over. In the 21st century, the context for deep, authentic, serious spirituality — transformational spirituality — is evolution, not only of the individual but beyond. I for those at the leading edge, the passionate pursuit and defenses of individualization have reached a dead end. The very movement toward higher development now calls for a leap beyond the personal sphere. The pursuit of enlightened consciousness has traditionally been the path of the heroic and extraordinary individual. But now the evolutionary imperative of our time seems to be compelling us to develop beyond what we could call personal realization to something else altogether. At the frontiers of human development, consciousness itself seems to be leaping beyond the confines of individuation, dramatically revealing new, thrilling, and unimagined possibilities of higher integration.”
Andrew Cohen –“The source and ground of everything that has become, and that is even now in a constant state of becoming, is that place where there is no time and where nothing ever happened. Nothing and Something cannot be separated because they are simply two sides of the same coin. That’s the meaning of non-duality and that is what enlightenment
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