confusion, misery and death.”
ANNE FRANK –“No one has ever become poor by giving.”
ANNE FRANK –“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”
ANNE FRANK –“We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.”
ANNE LAMOTT –“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.”
ANNE LOUISE GERMAINE DE STAEL –“Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.”
ANNE MLSON SCHAEF –“It is never too late to re-examine our choices. Re-examination is wise. We always have choices.”
ANNE MORROW LINBERGH –“When one is stranger to oneself, then one is estranged from others, too.”
ANNE MORROW LINDBERGH –“If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.”
ANNE SEXTON –“The you that isn’t shared dies young.”
ANNE SOPHIE SWETCHINE –“To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others.”
ANNE TYLER –“People always call it luck when you have acted more sensibly than they have.”
ANNE W SHAEF –“So often/ we believe that we have come to a place/ that is void of hope and possibilities,/ only to find that it is the very hopelessness/ that allows us to hit bottom,/ give up our illusion of control,/
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