ALFRED VICTOR VIGNEY –“Greatness is the dream of youth realized in old age.”
ALFRED WHITEHEAD –“Religion will not gain its old power until it can face change in the same spirit as doe’s science.”
ALGERNON SIDNEY– “Lairs ought to have good memories.”
AL-GHAZALI –“The purpose of music, considered in relation to God, is to arouse longing for Him and passionate love towards Him and to produce states in which He reveals Himself and shows His favour, which are beyond description and are known only by experience, and, by the Sufis, these states are called ‘ecstasy’. The human spirit is so affected by that rhythm, that music is the cause to it of longing and joy and sorrow and ‘expansion’ (inbisat) and ‘contraction’ (inqibad), but he who is dull of hearing and unresponsive and hard of heart, is debarred from this joy.”
AL-HALLAJ –“I have meditated on the different religions, endeavouring to understand them, and I have found that they stem from a single principle with numerous ramifications. Do not therefore ask a man to adopt a particular religion (rather than another), for this would separate him from the fundamental principle; it is this principle itself which must come to seek him; in it are all the heights and all the meanings elucidated; then he will understand them.”
ALI IBN – ABI TALIB– “He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. And he who has one enemy will meat him every where.”
ALICE DUER MILLER –“Good manner are the technique of expressing consideration for the feeling of others.”
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