“doctrines of demons.”
There is no doubt in my mind that the secular agenda and their basic philosophy is a demonic doctrine straight from the pit of hell. Not only do they not believe in God – but they want to try and take Him right out of any kind of pubic arena – even if they are considered to be in the minority!
You thus have liberal judges, teachers, professors and politicians who are doing everything they can to try and remove God from all of the public areas of our life. They are doing everything they can to try and remove the Bible and the Ten Commandments from every major public area of our lives.
Many of our school children have literally lost their faith in God and Jesus by the time they graduate from some of these liberal and secular colleges. If that child has not been raised up with a good, solid Christian upbringing, he will become easy prey for some of these demonic professors who are teaching them that man does not need a God to answer too and that man and science can eventually solve all the world’s problems.
What you will find that is really funny in all of this is that these secular forces are not attacking any of the other false religious faiths and beliefs. They are not attacking any of their holidays or trying to take out any of their system of beliefs out of our public arenas.
The reason for that is that all of these other false religions and beliefs are not considered a threat to them and their beliefs. Christianity is the only faith and religion that will draw a major battle line in the sand and call out things the way they really are. Christianity is the only faith that will call man as he really is – a sinner in need of a Savior.
Secularists don’t want