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Question by mat_maverick: can religions be mixed say wicca/christianity and native shamanism.
I am interested to see if you can mix the aspects of some of each of these religions , like mixing the peace teachings of Buddhism, the natural love and respect of wicca and the belief of the great spirits of nature such as in shamanism along with the beliefs in a great god and creator and the teachings of the christ in christianity is this possible to intermingle them all into one religion or can they coexist

Best answer:

Answer by Project Pat
sure. they were all made up to begin with, so go right ahead.

What do you think? Answer below!

22 Responses to can religions be mixed say wicca/christianity and native shamanism.

  • Adam M says:

    You can do anything you want with them, although it doesn’t make them true.

  • FROG E says:

    A true born again believer will not leave or combine his faith with other beliefs. There is only One True God.

  • Waffle C says:

    Sure why not? I would toss in Jedi mastery as well.

  • csucdartgirl says:

    Sure why not? This is done all over the world.

    For example, Cuba is big on voodoo/christianity.

  • Amy N says:

    you can believe whatever you want to believe. that’s the beauty of faith.

  • Wow says:

    Yes they can coexist quite well.
    I am a wiccan, but believe many buddhist and taoist philosophies.

  • Sweet Suzy 777! says:

    They can not co exist, because any other religion that doesn’t go by the Holy Bible are false religions.

  • ?BananaHannah? says:

    No and dont listen to the first two people they don’t know what they are talking about yeah i mean i do agree with them that wicca or whatever is a bunch of bologna but I believe in Jesus Christ and Him alone and I can do all things through Him ….

  • Buddha of Bass ): says:

    it is your life and your spirituality.
    you can mix anything that you want.
    if it teaches you to be a good, humble better person then go for it.

    why should dogmatic rules stop you.
    use what you can, toss the rest,.

  • Sanctified Life says:

    Sure. The perversion of men is never satisfied, same as with satan. You can mix anything. But, outside of Christ, the end result will be only perversion.

  • GorgeousTx Vote the fundies out says:

    Sure you can.

    Go with what makes sense to you and don’t pay too much attention to labels.

  • Shea ? says:

    Yes. Definitely yes. You can always worship God and the Goddess. To me, it’s like choosing between the sky and the Earth. Mom and Dad. The sun and the moon. Why choose between one, when you can love both? (Note that I do not share this view when it comes to human relationships. lol ^_~)

    I know that the Bible says No to Witchcraft, but Paganism isn’t really witchcraft, not in the sense of what the Bible refers. Pagans/Wiccans don’t harm others with magic. If they use the craft at all, then they use it to heal, and never without permission from the person it is to be used on. Also, many people have compared the Virgin Mary to the Goddess. It really just means altering your perspective. Some Native Americans worshiped Father Sky (God) and Mother Earth (Goddess). Like I said, perspective.

  • Ziggy says:

    The personal virtues you describe can exist together, but I would question your focus on such labels!

  • Wolfeblayde, C.O., CB says:

    I have no trouble reconciling Catholicism with my Celtic and Native American beliefs. Each of them contains elements of mysticism, appreciation for nature, and living out one’s beliefs in day-to-day activities.

    It’s a very comfortable blend of spiritualities.

  • Gregory S says:


  • Sherry says:

    Sure, why not. If we stop to think about. God created the heavens and earth and everything else. Sounds to me like God was the greatest Magician ever!!!

  • Maars says:

    There are some people who do mix religions because they don’t want to leave the religion of their family completely. However, they have embraced another one they love too. However, this is not truth. You have to be a true follower of Jesus Christ in order to stay saved.

  • Titus M says:

    Nothing can be mixed with Christianity. Wicca for example practices witchcraft, the worship of nature and other false gods, in Christianity all that’s a sin. Why worship the created rather than the Creator? See, Christianity mixes with other religions just as well as water and oil.

  • ~Haunted~ says:

    I go to a Unitarian Church and they mix many religions.


  • Brad L says:

    The lives of the Egyptians, like the lives of the Babylonians, were regulated to a large extent by their fortune-tellers. (Isa 19:3) On the other hand, God’s true servants never looked to such persons for information. When the Law was given to Israel shortly after their release from bondage in Egypt, they were strictly forbidden to consult “professional fore-tellers of events.” (Le 19:31) Having “immoral intercourse” with them would result in being cut off (in death) from among God’s people. And as to the one practicing the art, the law went on to say: “As for a man or woman in whom there proves to be a mediumistic spirit or spirit of prediction, they should be put to death without fail.” (Le 20:6, 27) Nearly 40 years later, when poised to enter the Promised Land and to drive out its inhabitants, Israel was reminded: “You must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations. There should not be found in you . . . anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional fore-teller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead.”—De 18:9-11.

  • tet kale says:

    religions are in fact mixed. relationship with God Jehovah is unique.

  • Nightwind says:

    You can take whatever ideas you want and mix them into something new. No one can tell you “you’re not allowed to believe that.” However, frequently the reqult cannot be honestly identified as still being part of the original religions. For example, just because you love nature certainly does not mean you’re a Wiccan, and if you combined some of the core values of Wicca and Christianity you would either end up with something completely incoherent, or with something neither Wiccan nor Christian. It would be something new. New isn’t bad, but you should be honest with yourself about it.

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