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Casting Spells for You

Everyone either feels that magick exist in some form, shape or fashion – either on a level of it being good, evil, or on sheer possibility. When it comes to weather magick indeed lives up to its reputation is another question. Can you have someone cast a spell for you, to get rich, win your lover back, get that special job, attain a special goal or even more manipulate the forces around to do your bidding?

The truth is…magick is interdependently real whether you believe in it or not. Magick is faith, focus, and the alignment of energies to be synchronized into a given result(s). In all due respect to those that practice magick there is a great division between many practitioners as there is with any profession or practice; you have those that are novice, and it is considered a recreation and those that practice professionally and which they consider a lifestyle. You have many practitioners that have the reputations of being dishonest and or frauds and those that are genuine (simply put) – but isn’t this with every profession/practice in the world?

I am a strong believer that most spells if one believes in magick is best cast by the requestor. It is the requestor that has the desire, the passion and the source of where all this energy must come from and return to in order for one to attain ones goal. Many times requestors either don’t have the experience, knowledge, faith or time they feel to put in a given spell so they seek trustworthy and experienced practitioners.

In our everyday lives…most people go to those that specialize within their given field….it is the same with practitioners of magick. Here are some key notes:

Choosing your practitioner
Make sure your

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