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practitioner is non-judgemental as it is not about what they believe you should do but help direct you in the best direction in attaining what you want. You should feel comfortable with your practitioner such you would with anyone performing a professional task for you. Honesty and full disclosure of what you want and what your practitioner will deliver is the key to any spell in being successful!

How much should you pay?
Many sceptics feel that magick should regulated because you’ve so many BAD practitioners who rip others off of thousands and never perform the work. Bottom line, is this: The work your practitioner is doing is priceless to the requestor… Few baulk at the prices of forms of cosmetic surgery and many other socially unchallenged or accepted rates and of priceless services yet feel that services of magick charged at a certain rate may be consider unreasonable or the sign of being fraudulent. All spells and form of magick requires a lot of effort on the practitioners behalf using time and effort using spiritual energies that must be both cast and vanquished to attain their requestors goal, not to mention materials used during a requestors case. The cost can range from to Thousands of dollars especially if there is so much to clear in the requestors life to attain the desired out come. Both sides novice and believers in the occult are divided in thinking that such efforts should be at minimum cost…It is best to both you and your requestor to have a clear understanding of what the desired outcome may be. It is also best to know that you as an individual has a fate and with this fate no matter how much you try to alter something… some things will be no matter how much you get off course (fate and

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