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Cat Halloween Costumes

Most owners of animals all want their furry friends to in some way reflect exactly what they themselves look and feel like, which is where cat Halloween costumes come into play. Like dogs and other furry little friends, such as ferrets, there’s a company somewhere, in some town, making costumes that will fit onto the body of the feline in your family to make them fit more into the spirit of the holiday in question itself.

Halloween is an ancient and revered celebration of the souls of the dead, which in itself has nothing to do with what we celebrate today as the feast. The main thing celebrated these days about Halloween is commercialism, and how companies can make a profit from it. There’s a great deal of cash being made, no doubt, and plumping your furry feline into a cat Halloween costumes is just one of the many ways that these companies continue to make money off the idea that everything most look just as the adverts and pitch men tell us it should look.

The idea of Halloween itself was originally a pagan ritual, which as mentioned celebrated the return of the souls of those passed in the previous year to the land of the living to make sure that they were being revered and celebrated by their kin left in the real world. It’s probably from this idea that the basis for witches and warlocks and demons and ghouls and all things evil happening on this night first came into the human psyche – and as cats are so ultimately associated with witches, it’s no stretch to see where associating cats with Halloween came about. But no one told those lovely men at the cat Halloween costumes’ company about this, and you can rest assured that this was the last thing on their minds when developing that bright red coat with a

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