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The Historical Information is accurate but its up to you to do your own research and check all things against the Word of God the 1611 King James Version. His name is Jim Arrabito. As with many who speak out & expose the Jesuit Roman Pagan Babylonian church he was killed in an accident?? Just like Alberto Rivera who was an ex-jesuit turned Christian who also died in a accident?? Alberto’s wife has said publically that she knows her husband was murdered by the jesuits and continues his ministry today. John F Kennedy went against the Vatican NWO, so did Abraham Lincoln and we both know what happened to them. Take Care
Video Rating: 5 / 5

7 Responses to Catholic Jesuit Vatican Babylonian Secret History of the Roman Catholic Church 1

  • FKTHPOPE says:

    Protestans churches are the HARLOT DAUGHTERS of the DAMNED MOTHER OF HARLOTS , ROME !
    Rome changed it to SUN CULT DAY OF BABYLON !

  • afzpuppet says:

    Roman Empire->Roman Catholic Church
    Roman Emperor->Roman Pope
    Roman Senators->Cardinals
    Roman Governors->Archbishops
    Roman Senator with no territory-> Bishop
    Large-Roman Province-> Archdiocese
    Small-Roman Territory-> Diocese
    Vestal Virgins-> Nuns
    Pontiff-high priest of a pagan religious order (Zeus,Apollo,Diana,Mars,Jupiter, Baal,Dionysys,AMMON,etc)-> Pontiff

    ==>”Mystery Babylon”

  • kentd4f69 says:

    Very accurate info; and the SDA are leading the way with the truth!

  • Sebastian7908 says:

    Wow…lot of knowledge. thanks for uploading!

  • Islandretreat says:

    I believe it is James Arrabito. There are clips on youtube of him saying he had been paid a visit by Catholic Priests who warned him about speaking out against Romes Jesuits. He has since left us to be with his Lord and Saviour.

  • pretty312 says:

    very informative. many thanks. what is the name of this speaker pls?

  • SHAWNLARGE says:

    Nimrod the master architect/builder interesting. Nice video.

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