Massachusetts coast looked so good! They knew their journey would be hard, and prepared themselves body and soul to make it. Half of them died that first frigid winter–but the other half went on to make history.
You find support. While it’s debatable about how willingly each party helped–or hurt–the other, it is clear that the Pilgrims could not have learned to survive without the Wampanoag people, Native American experts in farming, fishing, and hunting. Today’s pilgrims actively seek out support, too, from leaders, mentors, coaches and colleagues that aligns with their vision, pushes them through the struggles, and keeps them in motion.
You celebrate. Isn’t that what the American Thanksgiving holiday is all about, anyway? Like today’s pilgrim, the original Pilgrims understood they needed to take time and celebrate their hard work, their successful partnerships, and their results. They called it “the harvest”–you might call it a promotion, new role, improved business, or a better life. No matter what it is, it’s a reason to celebrate.
Darcy Eikenberg is president and chief creative officer of Coach Darcy LLC, a professional coaching, mentoring, and talent development firm based in Atlanta. She is an accomplished coach, consultant, facilitator and business leader with over 20 years of experience in motivating individual, team, and organizational behavior that achieves business results. You can reach her by visiting, or at 404.313.0278.
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