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The Oscar winning film director Costas Gavras created a 13 minutes film that was a part of the Acropolis museum exhibition since its opening earlier this year. A 1,5 minutes sequence of the movie, depicted old icons of Greek Orthodox representatives destroying parts of the Acropolis in a effort to write off everything that had something to do with the old “pagan” religion. It was this sequence that provoke the fury of the Greek church leaders, who demanded the stop of the film’s projection in the museum . The Greek minister of culture, Antonis Samaras, responded to their calls by ordering the removal of the particular scenes from the short film, scenes that were showing nothing more than the most recognized Greek monument’s history . Costas Gavras said that he found what happened in Greece, a country member of the EE, very sad and unacceptable: the government gave in to the pressure of the church and censored the historical facts shown in the film. He added that the he is not surprised by the church’s reaction since it always avoids reality in an effort to save its belief. Costas Gavras added: I though that Greece had left behind such meanness… ???? video : K?????? ??? ?? blog :
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Censorship in the Acropolis museum / Costas Gavras animation

  • slashie71 says:

    “Mortal!” -twas thus she spake- “that blush of shame
    Proclaims thee Briton, once a noble name;
    First of the mighty, foremost of the free,
    Now honourd less by all, and least by me….
    What more I owe let gratitude attest-
    Know, Alaric and Elgin did the rest.
    That all may learn from whence the plunderer came,
    The insulted wall sustains his hated name:

    Fragment from ‘The Curse of Minerva’ by Lord Byron, 1811

  • slashie71 says:

    Lord Byron

  • ektoppp says:

    please tell me, from whom is the text ?

  • ensimon says:

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  • georodop says:

    An pali thewreis oti exeis anwtero morfwtiko epipedo logw spoudwn kai malista sthrizeis se afto to afthaireto symperasma ena koyfio epixeirhma oti oi apopseis sou exoun megalyterh isxy…eisai lathos kai giati den ksereis pragmatika to ti exw spoudasei egw wste na krineis alla kai giati fysika afto den arkei ws epixeirhma gia na enisxysei to kyros kathe apopshs pou katatheteis.

  • georodop says:

    An dn prolavaineis h de thes na gineis sygkekrimenos dn wfelei apla to na xarakthriseis tis apopseis mou.Ti ennoeis oti den ksekiname apo thn idia vash;Isws pragmati den ksekiname apo thn idia vash mias kai esy thewreis pws ta ksereis ola enw egw thewrw pws h alhtheia einai san orio pou teinei sto apeiro.Boreis ep’apeiron na to plhsiazeis xwris pote na to aggizeis

  • georodop says:

    THa sou deiksw ena(akomh)paradeigma tou pws epishmaineis sygkekrimena to lathos kapoiou deixnontas ena diko sou lathos:Les oti oi apopseis mou einai berdemenes kai exw lathos antilhpsh ennoiwn xwris na epishmaneis akrivws poia einai h lathos antilhpsh pou exw katathetontas afth pou esy thewreis swsth.Afto esy to thewreis safes.Egw to thewrw genikologia.

  • ensimon says:

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  • georodop says:

    Giati mou epishmaineis oti h analysh sou htan se etymologiko epipedo;Den th thewrhsa lanthasmenh.Apla th symplhrwsa.Oso gia ta mh aftonohta pou eipe o Xristos merika proxeira paradeigmata(ta opoia ksana egrapsa alla de diavases!)einai metaksy allwn to na agapas akoma kai tous exthroys sou kai na tous synchwreis alhthina xwris mnhsikakia,na mhn apozhtas ekdikhsh,”an se xastoukisoun gyrna kai to allo magoulo”ktl…

  • arakapesnel says:

    Ma sygekrimena sou apantaw. Sou eipa oti oi skepseis sou einai berdemenes kai eheis lathos antilhpsh ennoiwn. Den borei ayto na ginei pio safes. Den syzitw mazi sou gia na me antikroueis alla gia na kanoume dialogo o opoios einai mallon adynatos giati den xekiname apo thn idia vasi. Sygnwmi an ayto se enoxlei i an to vlepeis ws deigma alazonias alla den borw na kanw mia syzitisi otan den antilamvanesai kapoies ennoies swsta.Xarika pou ta eipame, kali sou mera.

  • georodop says:

    An mou eleges sygkekrimena to ti thewreis lathos stous syllogismoys mou anti na epimeneis na tous krineis af’ ypshloy tha to lamvana sovara yp’ opsin kai tha se efxaristoysa kiolas.Synhthizeis na anaferesai(sta sxolia sou)sth morfwsh sou,sthn episthmonikh sou idiothta,sto xamhlo epipedo twn allwn stis sygkexymenes apopseis tous kai genika thewreis ton tropo skepshs sou anwtero twn allwn xwris na afhneis tous allous na to krinoun afto.Pote de vohtha mia tetoia stash.Apla stamata to

  • arakapesnel says:

    eheis kapoies ennoies berdemenes mesa sto myalo sou kai einai themeliwdws lathos o tropos pou antilambanesai kapoia pragmata pou tha mou itan adynato na sta valw se mia taxi edw mesa. Ase pou den me apasxolei kiolas kati tetoio gia na eimai apolyta eilikrinhs mazi sou. H analysi mou gia ton ethnikososialismo itan se kathara etymologiko epipedo. Apla apo periergia tha borouses na mou peis kana dyo mh aytonohta pragmata pou eipe o Xristos? Eyxaristw poly.

  • georodop says:

    To koino lathos thrhskeiwn kai ideologiwn sth morfh pou aftes eixan synhthws ws twra yphrkse o dogmatismos kai o fanatismos.Oso gia ton ethnikososialismo,htan sta oria ths ideologias-mhdenismoy kathws htan ideologia pou arnhthhke fanatika kathe kritikh kai yposthrikse pws oi ideologies(oi alles)den eixan kati na prosferoun,apaksiwse th dhmokratia kai ethese to ethnos panw apo thn anthrwpothta

  • georodop says:

    Ta aftonohta pou anafereis einai proxristianika.O Xristos opws kai polloi alloi spoudaioi pnevmatikoi hgetes ths anthrwpothtas eipe polla pou den einai katholou aftonohta kai malista ta anefera liga sxolia pio prin.

  • georodop says:

    ??? ??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????????, ?? ??????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??????????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????????.

  • arakapesnel says:

    Hitler…den stekei ideologika i synhparxi ethnikismou kai sosialismou kai allwste kati tetoio sthn praxi den egine pote gi’ayto kai h dioikish tou Hitler telikws xarakthristike fasistikh/ ethnikistikh.

  • arakapesnel says:

    Tetarton: Einai aytonohto pws “thetikes” axies yparxoun kai sthn opoiadhpote thriskeia. Pws borei allwste na diafwnisei kaneis me aytonohta tou typou “tima ton patera sou kai tin mitera sou”, “ou moixeyseis”, ktl! Aytonohtes alithies! Pempton: O koumounismos einai apo th fysi tou provlimatikh thewria kat’eme. pOLy megali syzhtisi, den exoume to perithwrio na tin kanoume sto youtube, pantws einai h kathara ypokeimenikh mou thesi. O ethnikososialismos einai ena ideologiko efeyrhma tou…

  • georodop says:

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  • arakapesnel says:

    Den lew pws ayta pou les gia ton Xristo einai anaxronistika. Lew pws ayta pou leei i Xristianikh pisth kai i ekklhsia einai anaxronistikes idees. Oi perissoteres (oxi oles) oi thriskies sthrizontai se akrws synthrhtikes apopseis kai ideolhpsies, logiko afou tetoia einai h fysh twn thriskeiwn. Triton: H anthrwpinh skepsi ehei prosferei APEIRA pragmata kai thetika….texnes, politismo, dhmokratia, den eipa pote kati anti8eto, isa isa pou pisteyw ston anthrwpo, an parexigi8ika lathos mou.

  • arakapesnel says:

    Einai kata tin gnwmi mou ligo sygeximenes oi apopseis sou alla den xanadiakindyneyo na me apokaleseis alazona opote tha prospathisw na apantisw se oso pio polla ginetai. Se oti afora thn synexeia opws tin emfanizeis metaxy theokratikwnb kkoinwniwn, ideologiwn, ktl einai anakrivhs. Dyskolo na analysoume terastia themata opws ayta mesa sto youtube kai kamia fora oloi mas parasyromaste apo genikeyseis kai aythairesies wste na symbiknwsoume ton logo mas. Ki egw to kanw, den se kathgorw. Deyteron…

  • georodop says:

    Ti apo afta pou egw tonisa gia ton Xristo thewreis anaxronistiko;Giati de ginesai pio sygkekrimenos;De diafwnw oti einai synthrhtikh h koinwnia mas.Alla den thewrw pws h mexri twra anthrwpinh skepsh den exei na prosferei kati thetiko.Vlepw kritika thn kathe thrhskeia kai den arnoymai oti borei na exei kai kati thetiko na prosferei.Den apodexomai kamia sto synolo oswn leei.Afto pou prepei na aporripsoume einai o dogmatismos kai o fanatismos

  • georodop says:

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    ??? ??????????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????????.

  • georodop says:

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  • arakapesnel says:

    Oi ideologies diatypwthian kai diamorfwthikan gia na ekfrasoun syllogismous, taseis, apopseis kai thewries oxi gia na thesoun kanones sthn anthrwpinh symberifora. Telws pantwn, eimai alazontas…

  • georodop says:

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