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may be understood as the creation of infinite surface in finite volume.  The water occupies a finite space.  The elements of the water, the water molecules, remain forever separate but move more and more rapidly.  Since the molecules cannot turn into each other and since they cannot stop moving, they must have infinite surface.  They get infinite surface by the rolling of the water which is a process of stretching and folding the fluid medium.

            The water mixes, folds and stretches indefinitely and unpredictably.  Boiling may be further understood as releasing thermal energy to air.  The more heated water is exposed on the surface to air, the more heat is released.  If the heat is stopped the water will cease boiling and return to its pre-chaotic, quiescent regime.  If the heat is continued the water will slowly vaporize until the container is empty.

            There are two phases of this event in which old, earlier information is destroyed and new, later information is created.  The first is the transition from quiescence to boiling.  The second is the transition from boiling to vapor.  All information about quiescent positions of water molecules disappears in boiling.  All information about boiling positions of water molecules disappears in vaporization.  It is impossible to ascertain by observing atmospheric water molecules when and where those molecules were parts of a fluid body of water, either boiling or quiescent.

            Many individuals and groups of individuals may be seen as culturally vaporized.  It is impossible from observing people on city streets to ascertain when or where those people, or their ancestors, were members of groups that could have

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