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“A study on the History of the Dying and Resurrecting God” Don’t forget to watch part 2! Part 2 link: The term “Christ Myth” covers a broad range of ideas, but most share the common premise that the narrative of the Gospels portrays a figure who never actually lived. Current theories arose from nineteenth century scholarship on the formation of myth, in the work of writers such as Max Müller (1823 — 1900) and James Frazer (1854 – 1941). Müller argued that religions originated in mythic stories of the birth, death, and rebirth of the sun. Frazer further attempted to explain the origins of humanity’s mythic beliefs in the idea of a “sacrificial king”, associated with the sun as a dying and reviving god and its connection to the regeneration of the earth in springtime. In 1909, an influential book on the subject titled simply “The Christ Myth” was written by German philosopher Arthur Drews (1865 – 1935) The British philosopher Bertrand Russel (1872 — 1970) stated in his essay “Why I Am Not a Christian” (1927), that even if Jesus existed, which he doubted, the public does not “know anything” about him. Most recently Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy have popularized the Jesus-myth concept in their book The Jesus Mysteries. Also recent is Earl Doherty’s “Jesus Puzzle” (1999) and “The Pagan Christ” (2004) by Canadian theologian Tom Harpur (b. 1929). Christos Mythos “…since the Divine is beyond our ability to comprehend, the religions of
Video Rating: 4 / 5

( ) Frank Somers, a Stonehenge Druid, gives a tour of the Salisbury Plain, talking about Stonehenge and the surrounding areas, and their significance. Frank also talks about the recent discovery of Bluestonehenge, its particular importance to druids and how it lay untouched for over 5000 years. The druids, who focus on being at one with nature and the ancestors, see Stonehenge as a place of great importance to their beliefs, as it is there that they feel the ancestors are speaking to them.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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