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“A study on the History of the Dying and Resurrecting God” Don’t forget to watch part 2! Part 2 link: The term “Christ Myth” covers a broad range of ideas, but most share the common premise that the narrative of the Gospels portrays a figure who never actually lived. Current theories arose from nineteenth century scholarship on the formation of myth, in the work of writers such as Max Müller (1823 — 1900) and James Frazer (1854 – 1941). Müller argued that religions originated in mythic stories of the birth, death, and rebirth of the sun. Frazer further attempted to explain the origins of humanity’s mythic beliefs in the idea of a “sacrificial king”, associated with the sun as a dying and reviving god and its connection to the regeneration of the earth in springtime. In 1909, an influential book on the subject titled simply “The Christ Myth” was written by German philosopher Arthur Drews (1865 – 1935) The British philosopher Bertrand Russel (1872 — 1970) stated in his essay “Why I Am Not a Christian” (1927), that even if Jesus existed, which he doubted, the public does not “know anything” about him. Most recently Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy have popularized the Jesus-myth concept in their book The Jesus Mysteries. Also recent is Earl Doherty’s “Jesus Puzzle” (1999) and “The Pagan Christ” (2004) by Canadian theologian Tom Harpur (b. 1929). Christos Mythos “…since the Divine is beyond our ability to comprehend, the religions of
Video Rating: 4 / 5

( ) Frank Somers, a Stonehenge Druid, gives a tour of the Salisbury Plain, talking about Stonehenge and the surrounding areas, and their significance. Frank also talks about the recent discovery of Bluestonehenge, its particular importance to druids and how it lay untouched for over 5000 years. The druids, who focus on being at one with nature and the ancestors, see Stonehenge as a place of great importance to their beliefs, as it is there that they feel the ancestors are speaking to them.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

38 Responses to Christ Myth pt. one

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @egrog225 Muslims who commit suicide are not martyrs. They are suicide murderers.

  • egrog225 says:

    @irishxxkelt surely, irish, you aren’t saying that anyone who dies for a belief is evidence of the veracity of that belief? What about Muslim martyrs? By your reasoning, they must be right about their religion!

  • Gellvos says:

    Make up all religious people is all I can say. =

  • MercuryRis says:

    Hey I found Jesus!! He was out there raking the leaves with Miguel and Sanchez. Now he’s my ese! So am I saved? Jesus smokes Camels and drinks Coronas and made a pass at my neighbor’s wife. Is that holy?

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt Ah where ya going?

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis Well good riddance to bad rubbish.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @KhalifaOthman Well idiot it would be better for you to read the Gospels in Arabic and not make whoppers like a cock being a penis……

  • KhalifaOthman says:

    I don’t know Urdu o.o
    I’m Arabic, idiot.

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt Yes well youre very amusing, kind of like those little dogs people dress in funny constumes.

  • MercuryRis says:

    I came to see what my ancestors left, which wasnt much. Sheep, pubs and crazy old ladies denying theyre European. I wont be returning. Your traffic is bad, your roads terrible and you cant get a good meal to save your soul. Happily many of the churches were in ruins and nuns are at an all time minimum. Too bad Islam will be taking over because the EU is so stupid.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis I am not a bit interested in your nether regions.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis Why did you come to Ireland? Everyone knows that people do not come to Ireland for the sun. You are just a silly American who sees everything through American values. You think like many Americans that America is the centre of the universe. Well it isn’t. There are 4 other continents.

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt Pumpkin, youre the first person i ever heard say Ireland is not part of Europe. Do I have to make a video with puppets? Just because you live on a pretty wet and green island doesnt mean youre not part of the BIG pretty island. Big, little, big, little all the same name. Should I type slower for you? Youre on the EURO, you live in Europe, Northern EUROPE. And you insult the American universities? where did you go to school? Oh let me guess…McDonalds.

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt Ah, so youre interested in my groin….If you notice I said Rapture you adorable little Fraudian slip you…

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis You thick Yank I explained that in Ireland we consider ourselves European as part of the EU. EUROPE TO AN IRISHMAN/WOMAN is the CONTINENT.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis Rupture? Are you suffering from a HERNIA?

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @KhalifaOthman LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL You stupid man. Go and read a Bible in Urdu. It was a cockeral who crowed usually referred to in its shorten form as cock (MALE BIRD) hen is the FEMALE bird. It was dawn when Peter denied Jesus. I am going to have some fun with Christian friends when I tell them some Muslim in Pakistan thinks a COCK CROWING AT DAWN (Which is what they do) is JESUS MAKING PETER’S PENIS GROW LOOOOOOOOOL

  • KhalifaOthman says:

    @irishxxkelt Jesus “magically” made Peter’s dick grow for not obeying him.
    Oh gawd, you should know by now that the story of Jesus being god, etc is mythical.

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt I was beginning to think the Rapture came and sucked you up…haha and every single website Ive looked at says you are part of Europe, just like Puerto Rico and Cuba are part of North America. Youre part of Europe, and your European.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @KhalifaOthman Stuff and nonsense. Even atheists scholars admit that Suetonius, Tacitus, Pliny Josephus wrote that there was a Jewish teacher who was crucified by order of Pontius Pilate at the instigation of the Jewish leadership. Exactly when did Christians worship a facon headed deity? What dick are you talking about man?

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @KhalifaOthman On a clear day you can a hell of a lot from the top of any mountain.In fact on Mount Sinai, your Jebel Musa one is supposed to see the mountains of Ethiopia. Although it is hard to say which peaksa are actually in Ethiopia.

  • irishxxkelt says:

    @MercuryRis Plenty of people love our damp island. Dismal is in the eye of the beholder. I had an Australian man come into where I work voluntary one day and it was his and his wife’s second trip to Ireland. We are not geographically part of Europe. Politically we are members of the EU.

  • MercuryRis says:

    @irishxxkelt So youre trying to tell me Ireland is not part of Europe? I hope youre hot because youre kind of dumb. Just because youre on a damp, dismal island doesnt mean youre not in Western Europe. Here a little tidbit for ya Einstein: National Geographic has the UK and Ireland in Western Europe, and YOU are European. My youre cute when you try to act smart.:)

  • KhalifaOthman says:

    Matt 4:8: ” Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them.”

    Unless the world is flat, altitude simply will not help you see all the kingdoms of the earth.

  • KhalifaOthman says:

    @irishxxkelt This question is very very very important.
    Why would anyone want to read a man-made book?
    Did you know that…
    Christians made up the whole Jesus story by copying ancient-mythical stories such as the story of Horus, etc.
    Mark 14:72 “And the second time the dick grew. And Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him, before the dick grew twice, thou shall deny me thrice. And when he thought thereon, he wept. “

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