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This video is aimed at hard line fundies. Just tell yourself it’s not about you. Hey, that rationale’s always worked BEFORE! But, I know lots of Christians this song does not apply to at all. Anyway, old song, new slide show. And yes, I know it’s not pronounced “Hairy Krishna”, and that they have nothing to do with Buddhism, except Hindu roots. I’ve spent a lot of time in temples of all sorts in my life, and first attended Feasts at the Laguna Beach Hare Krisna temple between the ages of 8 and 14. In fact, technically it’s spelled “Krisna”. No “H”. Sometimes no “i”! So, this was inspired by some smug, self interested kids I grew up around in California. Representing anything greater than oneself is a responsibility not be taken lightly. After all, someone might write a song or make a YT video about you! Debate that!

17 Responses to Christian Lollipops

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    Since it looked as if you were responding to me, (I got the notice) I didn’t know you were addressing her. I wondered: “What exactly do I have to be careful about here?” Now, me, I WAS picking a fight with my vid, but do I care? I embraced the title “white devil”, although I prefer the Chinese “laowai” or “gweilo” for white or foreign devil. Funny, but Shay now claims her cousin was using her account(s), (sound familiar?) so lacking further evidence, I allowed her to back out of the skirmish.

  • BudhagRizzo says:

    LOL! True dat, George. I hope she heeds my warning. It would be so easy to destroy her!

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    Oh, people are going to ignore all the good points I make anyway, Rizzo. ‘Sides, there’s bigger fish to fry than me, and she and everyone else knows it!

    I was somewhat right, though, she’s either 13 or 15, assuming she’s not lying in both cases. But as she can’t possibly be both ages as advertised on her profiles, she’s lied at least once. But it’s OK, because God already forgave her. But not us though, just her.

  • BudhagRizzo says:

    Careful! It looks like you’re trying to pick a fight. Make sure you’re not simply bringing a knife to a gunfight here!

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    No, no, it’s “you’re a white devil”. “you’re” is the contraction of “you are”.

    As in: you’re BLOCKED for being a prejudiced little girl.

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    I was going to ask why none of the short-sighted, pro-creationist/fundamentalist people out there can spell or use contractions, and then: it hit me: they’re probably all about 12!
    If you had any idea how much abuse I’ve witnessed coming from Christians in my 44 years, you’d question the public hive-mind, too. My original response denotes the seriousness with which I take you.
    Tell me: Does “God is everything” mean everybody’s idea of God, or just yours?

  • shay866 says:

    and I bet your a white devil.

  • shay866 says:

    wow. If thats the only thing that you could possibly say .bye.

  • GeorgeDRange says:


  • shay866 says:

    your a a load of crap you atichrist.

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    Welcome back, man!

  • LZstudios says:

    omg hilarious hey this is yocho555 u remember im back my account was taken by daddy cuz a pokemon kid cussed at me…

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    High praise indeed! Thanks!

  • C2LG says:

    That was hilarious, George! Well done! It kinda reminded me of Kip’s Every Song is a Drinking song video.

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    To all fundies and potential flamers:


    Answer this: Prayer in public schools; for all faiths, or just yours?

  • GeorgeDRange says:

    Ha! I figured you’d get that one, Larry!

  • Largo64 says:

    Lollypops is just another word for suckers.

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