ground to be found between the practices of Christianity and the practices of Wicca.
Jesus, the Occultist
From the outset, the young Jesus child showed the intelligence, insight and wisdom only found among those of high spiritual development. The story of the Jesus growing up is offered piece-meal and after his twelfth birthday, he disappears, reappearing only again well after he had reached adulthood. There are many who claim that Jesus went forth to study astronomy, astrology, alchemy and the Kabala, amongst others, during that time. The book “Jesus of the Essenes” immediately comes to mind. If you are interested in the topic, this is a recommended read.
The claim is very plausible if one observes the life of Jesus after he re-emerges: It is filled with miracles, message of love and prophesies. He gathers about him disciples, who follow him on his wanderings.
Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about Christian wicca here:
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