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Why do Christians use the trappings of a pagan festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus when the Bible commands believers to avoid such things? Song: “Christmas Alphabet” sung by Dickie Valentine
Video Rating: 3 / 5

This guy dressed like Jesus did a weird interpretation of Dar Williams song “The Christians and the Pagans”. Not only did he miss the point of the song but he took it to all sorts of levels of creepy when he decided to do his own take on it. Called “The Wiccans and The Pagans”. So i did what I know how to do best. I brought in special guest NUNXMONKEY or Sister Shamrock whatever you would like to call her and she did her own take on what she thought of the JESUS loving Hippie!! Hope you enjoy

28 Responses to Christians, why do you celebrate Christmas?

  • wwwpower1 says:

    It seems to me that people are being worse than the Pharisees at times.

    Jesus is about joy, happiness and good news – are you proclaiming the good news from his CONCEPTION to his birth, to his life and message to his death and resurrection? Does it all have to be gloom and doom? or can we celebrate BIRTH too! the BIRTH of our Lord and SAVIOUR is just as important as his resurrection for it is a sign of the GOOD NEWS for us all.

  • wwwpower1 says:

    Luke 2:1-20

    Luke 2:20

    “20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, just as it had been told to them.”

    Our we all shepherds to proclaim that same good news of Jesus birth?

  • wwwpower1 says:


    What are you referring too? Once? God will smite someone for eating pork? is that a sin?

    God will smite innocent women and children for greedy male desires and lusts or ignorance of iron, bronze age?

    Jesus will NOT smite anyone or be unreasonable about what constitutes a sin, versus an ignorant ancient male edict in biblical terms.

    So Christmas to me means being a Christian – to worship Christ and live to NOT harm or hurt others and follow Christ.

  • mrdokma says:

    I don’t celebrate Christmas even though I am a biblical christian. And I don’t do it exactly for the reasons you stated. But not all are informed, and not all are willing to do it simply because Jesus or Bible instructs it…

  • YnoT0207 says:

    @wwwpower1 Isn’t once enough? It’s not fun being judge 24/7, is it?

  • YnoT0207 says:

    @wwwpower1 You tell me – how many times? Isn’t once enough?

  • Belindagirl13 says:

    @Ivellios 23 nononono the christmas tree represents the first king of babylon who died and the place he died sprouted an evergreen tree leaving lil gifts on the bottom every year on the day he died. ANYWHOO its not just christmas christians should avoid. its the bible all together sense there is a lot of paganism ENFORCED by GOD himself in it. so its not just pagan holidays to be worried of. lol just leave christmas to us pagans when were the only ones who do it right

  • Ivellios23 says:

    Jeremiah 10:3-5 The customs of the peoples are worthless, they go out into the forest and chop down and evergreen tree, 4) they brace it up so it doesn’t totter and decorate it with silver and gold.
    What is this describing? Christmas!
    5) Like a scarecrow, their idols cannot speak, they must be carried because they cannot walk.
    Christmas trees are Idols!
    Which God? The Lord Molech or Baal Molech. The tree represents his (and Osiris) ‘member.’ and his ‘man reaction’

  • wwwpower1 says:


    I suppose you could test him? His claim seems legitimate. He is learning the language and did not say he was proficient in speaking or hearing or writing, but learning how to read it. That is a huge distinction.

  • ProfMTH says:

    @wwwpower1 “I don’t know Hebrew”

    Neither does CRoadwarrior.

  • wwwpower1 says:


    Thanks again. I appreciate the explanation. Context is very important, agreed. I don’t know Hebrew and probably won’t learn. However, I appreciate those who take the time to study.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @wwwpower1 No problem. I understand the problem and I agree with you. I know that people will claim to “know” Hebrew when all they can do is look up a word on “Blue Letter Bible” or some program. Yes, Hebrew is not an easy language to understand, and some things can be ambiguous. But the key to Hebrew is context, like most languages. But what I’ve found is that Hebrew is VERY context dependant. So it becomes easier to misunderstand the OT if you take things out of context.

  • wwwpower1 says:


    Thanks for explanation. Why I was asking, is that there are more than a few fundamentalist Christians who claim to understand original Hebrew, but do not take it further to understand that Hebrew then translated into English for true understanding can be tricky. IMHO. Not all scholars will agree on exact translations into English or any other language.

    Commendable to be sure. Thanks for explanation.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @wwwpower1 When you open up a Hebrew Bible written in Hebrew, that is what I can read. It doesn’t take a decade or more. You can learn the basics of Biblical Hebrew in about a year. Proficiency in reading, writing and speaking, now that can take decades. I study at Talbot Seminary under Dr. Tom Finley, who is the department head in the Hebrew department.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @holyfamily5 I notice you removed your comment, but I can actually READ Hebrew, not just look things up in a Bible program. I’ve actually been to Israel. I started studying Hebrew years ago at Lincoln Square Synogogue in New York.

  • wwwpower1 says:

    Do you understand Phoenician script? The modern Hebrew script was developed from a script known as Proto-Hebrew/Early Aramaic. The earliest known writing in Hebrew dates from the 11th century BC.

    Seems to me one would take a decade or more to truly understand the original hebrew. Which University did you study this language and I would presume a foriegn facility is required to become proficient so as to debate with leading scholars of the ancestors of Hebrews..

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @wwwpower1 I was speaking of the original Biblical Hebrew, which is different from today’s conversational Hebrew.

  • wwwpower1 says:


    I am trying to follow your comments because they interest me. You can read original Hebrew? in its entirety, any document presented or discourse with those of Jewish descent and scholars who spend their lives studying Aramaic and Hebrew and Middle Eastern languages?

  • wwwpower1 says:

    The thing Jesus ASKS? —-That is to love, love God, self (to be good to self, caring) and love others. That is the main commandment. But do we do it? What is love? God IS LOVE. 1 John 4:8 – but then why would God put wrath on people? God is a concern and dichotomy in one Godhead. Confusing for most.

    Jesus is about LOVE, the male words in the bible mix up love with hate, with wrath. They were ancient men trying to express.

    Jesus tried with them. Jesus says to LOVE.

  • wwwpower1 says:

    The retribution? is hell on earth right now. Pergatory or a form of it exists. We should be more worried about HOW and WHAT we do right now is all I am saying and there is one main criteria that Jesus expounds on over and over and says that this way covers ALL the commandments and way of life that He asks of us.

  • wwwpower1 says:


    How many times does Jesus PROMISE the wrath of his father and under what circumstances?

    We are getting our judgement right now btw, not later. So that is why one does not know the day nor hour. Judgment is not about a distant, unknown value in the future. It is right now. We have to realize – physical body living is OUR time to be judged, the here and now.

  • YnoT0207 says:

    @wwwpower1 Except for the little detail that Jesus promises the wrath of his “father”. One can’t “accept” Jesus without accepting final judgement + retribution, unfortunately. But I know what you mean. He was a good man.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @ProfMTH Of course. But I will say this for you, you do TRY to present intelligent, coherent and reasonable arguments, unlike others like “AmazingAtheist” and so many others. So I have more respect for you than these others. But even that respect is minimal – but it’s better than nothing. LOL.

  • ProfMTH says:

    @CRoadwarrior “As for your answer, I’ve given it. It’s not a “yes” or “no” simple answer because it depends on the issues.”

    Of course.

  • CRoadwarrior says:

    @ProfMTH You see, this is why I really don’t take you seriously. While you sound rational and reasonable on most of your videos, and you make SOME valid points, overall your logic is fundamentally flawed and your research is worse.

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