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Question by Calliope: Chrsitians, Jews, Muslims….?
Christians, Jews, Muslims….

God is a God of Love and Infinite Mercy, right?

Then why does he HATE, and condemn to ETERNAL PAIN SUFFERING AND ANGUISH….

Free Thinkers
Christians (of course the kind that aren’t like YOU)
Insane people
Goddess Worshippers
Music lovers
People who masturbate
People who eat meat on Sundays
People who like Harry Potter
People who wera cotton and Linen at the same time
People who eat lobster, crab, or clams
Animal activists
People who have had premarital sex

Just to name a few—-does your version of God hate humnaity SO MUCH that He is willing to send most of us to Hell?
Doesn’ that seem stupid? Hateful? Bigoted? Vile?

For the record—I am not an Atheist. However, I do NOT believe in a hateful, sexist, bigoted, mean spiroted and cruel God. So why do you, exactly?
Oh wally (and others) I HAVE prayed and spoke with the Biblical God.

He told me it was okay to love. And okay to doubt. And okay to think. And okay to be unsure. And okay to have tolerance and understanding…

And to the swet girl who asked where I got jy list—I got it from the Bible, Baptists, Evagelicals, online excursions, etc.
Well I was kin dof hoping for an answer that spoke of religion….

I do not personally believe that God will send all those people to hell. However, I do think that the Abrahamic relgions make it out that He will; that He is cruel. He loves you, but only if you worship Him—if you don’t, or if you doubt, or if you don’t understand you go straight to Hell. But of course, that is the RELIGION talking in my opinion; I am surprised no one really got into that facet of the question.

I am going to let it go to vote.

Best answer:

Answer by Fridum
He condemns ETERNAL PAIN and SUFFERING to people who questions his actions with hatred…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

11 Responses to Chrsitians, Jews, Muslims….?

  • Spoken4 says:

    Where did you get your list?

  • oldguy63 says:

    You don’t need that long of a list.God hates sinners who won’t repent and turn to Him, and loves those who become His children through faith. List is as short as that.

    John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”

  • Wally says:

    Maybe you need to meet the GOD of the bible and you will know that He is nothing what you imagine Him to be. Imagination and reality are completely different.

  • Lucid Freedom says:

    He loves you! He wants us all to believe on Him only, thats it. All the other stuff falls in line, but that list you have, my oh my. First its incorrect, I mean you have environmentalists on there, surgeons, professors, soldiers, animal activists etc. There is but one legalism and that is to accept the Lord Jesus Christ’s death on that cross as your salvation. Gods peace to you

  • Prophet bbqdog says:

    God and Jesus chose murders, thieves and con artist, so how can you question or put limitations on God. God is just, not fair. We can not come up with our own idea of what God should be, because most of the world is wrong about God is love. He loves those who love him.

  • B says:

    i don’t know… i don’t think God will punish all those people.

  • parkituse j says:

    Ephesians 2: 8-9.

  • Dapper Napper says:

    Do you punish your child when s/he disobeys you?

    God does too…

  • Happily Happy says:

    JUSTICE—God IS Merciful but not blind..He disntiguishes good from bad..
    right from wrong..
    clean from dirty..
    knowledge from ignorance..
    vigilence from carelessness
    humility from arrogance
    taking challenge from evading challenge..
    reality from wishful thoughts
    submission from defiance..
    and so on..

  • Ilyes says:

    He just wants the people whom He created to recognize him and have faith in Him even though they can’t see Him or Hear him [unlike what some people think, that God talks to them]…He sent so many messengers to mankind to keep reminding them… but people keep getting out of the right path… He wants us all to believe and know that this life is only temporary and that we need to work for the after life… and most importantly He wants us to be careful not to follow Satan who is trying his best to keep us all blind…
    I know a lot of people here don’t like Islam and don’t want to hear about it… but it doesn’t hurt to sometimes read some verses from the Quran and compare them with what the OT or NT says… like the story of Satan is clearly talked about in (see source) that is where it all started… Iblis by the way is Satan… that’s his name in Arabic.
    May God help us and guide us all.

  • capn edib says:

    ” Say : We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ismael and Issac and Jacob and the tribes and in that which was given to MOSES and JESUS and in that which was given to all prophets from their Lord. WE MAKE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANY OF THEM and to Him do we submit.” —The Quran.

    Therefore Islam gives respect to all who were sent before it.

    Some more verses…& Hadiths……

    “You who believe, do not let one (set of) people make fun of another set.”
    “Do not defame one another.”
    “Do not insult by using nicknames.”
    “Do not backbite or speak ill of one another.”

    “There should be no coercion in the matter of faith.” (2:256)

    “Ruined are those who insist on hardship in matters of the Faith.”He [Mohammad] repeated this three times.–[ Ibn Mas`ud]

    “Allah will not be merciful to those who are not merciful to people. “–Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 9, #473

    “The first cases to be adjudicated between people on the Day of Judgment will be those of bloodshed [killing and injuring] “–Narrated in Saheeh Muslim, #1678, and Saheeh Al-Bukhari, #6533.

    Ibn `Abbas reported: Messenger of Allah said to Ashaj Abdul-Qais, “You possess two qualities that Allah loves. These are CLEMENCY and TOLERANCE.”–[Muslim].

    So you see my Lord doesn’t hate any body instead His love is for the whole humanity.


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