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Thisvideo was created by Amanda. Visit her fun & healing art at or, if you’d like to receive an empathic tarot reading from Amanda, check out http Cindy McCain: Secret Palin Video 3 Free Min Psychic & Tarot Readings 10 Mins Psychics & Tarot Readers This channel is sponsored by ethical reading sites which offer live online psychic readings, tarot readers and astrology. For insights from Mystic Life (Chris from UnificationNow) and others go to http Join us at MySpace PLEASE HELP US OUT By Remembering To… SUBSCRIBE!!! Comment! Share! Rate! TAGS: sarah palin cindy mccain john vice presidential debate joe biden thursday president election Gwen Ifill demacratic democrat republican st. st louis missouri Washington University

19 Responses to Cindy McCain: Secret Palin Video – UnificationNow

  • lauralei91 says:

    I don’t have an explanation, creampie, but even odder is that Mc and Cindy were attractive people in their youth. Maybe life caused this ugliness?

  • internalcreampie says:

    why are all mccains ugly??
    meghan, john, cindy, andrew, douglas, james, carol…

    seriously they are all like ugly looking people… explanation anyone?


  • UnificationNow says:

    Most truly recovered addicts will joke about their past addictive days (which she has done in interviews), so to me it’s a character choice since she is referencing being on the floor in front of a toilet. Being dirty would be to go on and on about how she stole from her own charity and didn’t own up to it all until the prosecutors were going to go public. I didn’t go into that because addiction will cause people to do things they wouldn’t normally do.

  • rupertbreheny says:

    While I appreciate the sentiment, I think the pill-popping comments were a low blow. After all Cindy isn’t running for president – her husband is. I don’t like it when the besmirch Michelle, but I don’t think we should sink to their level either. Let’s keep it clean people!

  • NineofPentacles says:

    Brilliant Amanda. And so insightful. Let’s hope she ends up in Alaska and not the white house.

  • UnificationNow says:

    lol! nope I don’t think she did!

  • gothling666 says:

    Did Palin even actually address a single question directly in that debate?
    Make’s me angry.
    But this video makes my smile, although it is a little scary how true it is.

  • photoshopmama says:


  • OneBlackRose45 says:


  • ldplummer says:

    Amanda, you just never cease to amaze me!

  • buliting1 says:

    Perfect preamble for the comedy that will be on tv tonight!

  • PeaceProfit says:

    Palin is a political beast, looking out for herself, and after losing this election will be in prime position to become Alaska’s senator, and eventually a viable republican for president, riding the wave of ignorant intolerance and the scam of reformer, family values savior.

  • rumpelstillskin65 says:

    my senator mitch mcconnell voted yes bailout and he has lost my VOTE here everyone else needs to do the same find out who your congressman and senators are and vote them out get a sign for who is running agianst them put it in your yard and lets vote these crooks out of office and dont forget OBAMA / MCCAIN WHO BOTH VOTED FOR IT ( VOTE THIRD PARTY)(VOTE NADER) its going back to the house agian please call 1-800-828-0498–1-202-224-3121 say NO

  • AngeloNasios says:

    good video

  • rimind1 says:

    great stuff.

  • mrkkerekes says:

    i love it! this made my day, will giggle all day… thx

  • j0hnwi11iams says:

    I think we all know Sarah bit off far more than she can chew.

  • SquallLion90 says:

    lol nice vid. She’s pretty =]

  • Beatnuk says:

    Right on.

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