Question by tammyyyy: Could someone interpret these tarot card readings for me?
The descriptions are vague to me.
I asked, “Will he ever come back to me”
I got Judgement in the Love & Me position.
I got Eight of coins in the Situation position
I got King of Wands in the challenges position
Best answer:
Answer by Harvey Warschild
Sure, you’re an idiot, that’s exactly what it means when you try to get advice from cardboard.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
I really wanted to thumbs up Harvey’s comment twice but it wouldn’t let me.
It’s hard to read for yourself – you always have so much invested in the answer that you never know if it’s the real message or what you want to hear. Here’s what I got – I’m afraid the last card is puzzling to me as well but you may know what or who is being referenced.
Love and You: Judgement. Make an honest appraisal. Release guilt and sorrow and make a fresh start.
Situation: Eight of Coins. Either you or he is working very hard on something else right now. It might be work, or it might be another relationship. Another meaning for the Eight of Coins is “seeking greater understanding”. Maybe either one or both of you is standing back and really assessing. Either way, I don’t think anything is going forward any time soon.
Challenge: King of Wands. In this instance, I think an older or more mature man is in the situation. It might be a boss, a father, or an older brother or friend but he is definitely affecting this reading.
I hope this is helpful for you.