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doesn’t get water.

Use Brass or Copper Adapters

If you have to use any threaded connectors go ahead and pay the extra couple of dollars and get the kind that have brass or copper threads instead of the all plastic kind. Sioux Chief makes some really good ones. You may have to go to a plumbing supply to get these, most DIY stores don’t have them.

Avoid Loose Tub Valves

While you are at it, Sioux Chief makes some great other products for adapting CPVC to copper. I recommend using their preformed ells, along with sweat type tub/shower valves. Use copper for the tub spout piping and shower head riser and use the Sioux Chief ells for the inlet connections. This allows you to properly secure the tub/shower valves so they don’t wiggle and wobble when you use them.

Securing Hose Faucets

Likewise, the Sioux Chief ells work great along with a sweat hosebibb. Hoses get pulled around a lot and this method really lets you secure the hose faucet so it doesn’t get yanked out of the siding or brick.

Stay Away From CPVC Valves

One more tip. You can get shut off valves made entirely of CPVC. Don’t use them, especially the gate valves. They are prone to leak. The only ones I would even consider are the Ball Valve type, and I have had problems with them. Go ahead and use real brass valves with the necessary adapters. Again check out Sioux Chief. (I promise I am not getting a commission from them). They are really good products that work.

Stay Away From Heat Sources

Don’t run CPVC pipes too close to heat sources, such as can lights or flue vents. A good rule of thumb is to

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