this is really amazing and peaceful. The music and images combined. It makes me think how creative God is that he could make these. Happy Holidays everybody!
Your reaction does not mean that you are not a normal human being. Your reaction to the video is very normal. It’s normal to be touched by something so beautiful. You are welcome.
Simply amazing and wonderful,
Love and Light.
it was fantastic
Beautiful but who was the photographer?
love enya music as well would meditate to it
Oh my gosh, Enya! Her song compliments this video very well!
Beautiful pictures!
thank for this wonderful opportunity to see water.
Please google image search
“Vowel A in sand”
…thinking about we’re formed by water..
The object at 2:16 appears to be some insect trapped in ice…
Enya…album Watermark from the late 80’s
@samirafterone enya
this is really amazing and peaceful. The music and images combined. It makes me think how creative God is that he could make these. Happy Holidays everybody!
Sacred Geometry I feel like I just beat Final Fantasy 7. Thank you.
amazing.. what is the name of music? and composer? Vangelis? I suppose..
Same here
You are welcome.
Your reaction does not mean that you are not a normal human being. Your reaction to the video is very normal. It’s normal to be touched by something so beautiful. You are welcome.
I’m sorry for that. Maybe the problem is with your connection or your computer. The video works fine here.
Indeed, the human body is ~70% water.
Agreed. It must not be a conscious being to qualify as a deity if you please to call it like that.
Thank you.The music is, indeed, Enya – Watermark.
Sometimes this is true… Sometimes the opposite is true.
As far as I know… yes.