Probing ancient Egyptian beliefs where the stars, sun rays, semen, breast milk were equated with the mysterious orgasm producing sexual act. The blessings of Penis-Christ. Sacred sex would encompass all religious ceremonies, symbols including prayers.
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The subject of sex has been the topic of my career… Both helped and hindered me in areas. Due to my exploration of it from a fearless, sacred, research I have found it to be a gateway to God through Tantra. But so many are in shame and judgement of it they barely understand it…
You want to see something truly Super Stupid? Look in the mirror
FYI you were created by a F*CK not the stork. Didn’t your DAD’s PENIS, by definition a creator god, resurrected so it could be inserted inside your mom’s CAVE of creation fertilizing with his milk her EGG giving BOTH of them a REWARD of orgasm nine month later you popping out been born LACKING BELIEF ergo atheist?
I see you’re a Christian flaunting your ignorance
Since you have nothing intelligent to say, Bye.LEARN
This video is super stupid. Penis-Christ? Okkkkaaayyyyy right….
hmmm…you dont sound very intelligent…lol.
how are we retards?
Awsome!! Keep up the great work! =)
yea my grandmother is a retard she said my newborn baby should get ‘baptised’ and when i asked her why she got angry
Fantastic.Also very amusing.Thanks.
tho i appreciate the spirit, i have to disagree…strongly. i have many christian friends, and i believe endurance of conversation, and being a living example are the best deterrents to religion. if we merely abandon them, they will never be exposed to truth. then they will raise their kids believing the same stuff. we need to befriend them to dispel their illusion of what atheism is.
Yes it was. Every single Christian, Jew, Muslim, etc are worthless retards. This inferior creatures are a danger to us people (AKA atheist). Any atheist who befriends a retard is also a danger to us and they will be delt with accordingly.
Thank You!!!
damn, that was awesome! i need a cigarette!
You have very good knowledge of history calpurnpiso. Interesting stuff.
this guy is so gorgeous 😛
you gay…..
aaaaawwwww…… I love looking at u. I’m grateful to be where I’m at, that’s for sure 🙂
Is there a part 2 of this? very interesting topic.