fraudulent acts like withdrawing money from customers account without him having knowledge of it
C) Spoofing: This is carried on by use of deceiving Websites or e-mails. These sources mimic the original websites so well by use of logos, names, graphics and even the code of real bank’s site.
D) Phone Phishing: Is done by use of in-voice messages by the hackers where the customers are asked to reveal their account identification, and passwords to file a complaint for any problems regarding their accounts with banks etc.
E) Internet Pharming: Hacker here aims at redirecting the website used by the customer to another bogus website by hijacking the victim’s DNS server (they are computers responsible for resolving internet names into real addresses – “signposts of internet), and changing his I.P address to fake website by manipulating DNS server. This redirects user’s original website to a false misleading website to gain unauthorised information.
F) Risk Posed On Banks And Other Institutions: Wire transfer is the way of transferring money from one account another or transferring cash at cash office. This is most convenient way of transfer of cash by customers and money laundering by cyber terrorists. There are many guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in this regard, one of which is KYC (Know Your Customer) norms of 2002. Main objective of which is to:
1) Ensure appropriate customer identification, and
2) Monitor the transaction of suspicious nature and report it to appropriate authority every day bases.
G) Publishing Pornographic Material In Electronic Form: Section 67 of the