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Here is a seventeenth century folk song that was associated with pagan fertility rites and MayDay celebrations.

A short edited video of the celebrations at the Chalice Well World peace gardens, Glastonbury, England. This video follows on from the others taken on Glastonbury Tor, shown on this channel. It is much edited, and I didn’t have an ideal situation to take these images this time around. Avoiding the backs of heads is a nuisance, and there’s lots of coughing; from the smoke probably. Fitting the celebrations into 10 minutes was difficult and not to best advantage. Both this celebration, and the meeting on the Tor, were public events open to anybody to photograph, video, watch, or take part. This video starts with a young lady with a wonderful singing voice, Natasha. She sings with sincerity and emotion: a great way to start this video. Some of these shots were taken at quite high magnification, consequently they appear wobbly. The guy in the green cloak is Nicholas R. Mann who has co-authored many books about Glastonbury (The Isle of Avalon) and its mysteries. The celebration of Beltane: the first day of Summer, May 1st, was an important time for the ancients: a time of fertility rites in praise of the Earth, our mother who supplies us with our food & water, hence, life. We are abusing her, and must cease to do so, otherwise it shall result in dire consequences, not only for the whole human race, but for our other fellow TENANTS of the Earth; our brothers and sisters of the animal & plant kingdom. With recent news that we are responsible for up to a third of marine and
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Dave performs “Poor Old Horse” at Chameleon’s Cove, April 30, 2010

  • Hamishtarah says:

    I don’t know what really happens between 2:44 and 3:20 but i get shivers all over my upper body

  • paganinfo says:

    wery well mikesy1 great video
    england have the same cool wether like germany
    but a grat pagan people
    blessed be
    and a blessed beltaine 2010
    from arto and
    brigantes coven
    blaubeuren germany

  • drock272 says:

    I can see faces in the flames. Hail Brighid. So Mote It Be!
    Blessed Be!
    Blessed Be,
    The Happily Proud Gay Hedge Witch!
    So Mote It Be!
    Blessed Be!

  • drock272 says:

    I can see faces in the flames. Hail Brighid.

  • drock272 says:

    I can see faces in the flames. Hail Brighid.

  • drock272 says:

    I can see faces in the flames. Hail Brighid.

  • tipton3314 says:

    lol,it did go on abit,very interesting though,i would have loved to be there..

  • shortyzan says:

    hehehe love your honesty!

  • mikesey1 says:

    Sorry!! That was ME being impatient, aware that the battery was getting low and with a finite recording medium!

  • shortyzan says:

    @tipton3314 sounded more like “get on with it” to me

  • mikesey1 says:

    I wondered about that, and someone else spoke to me of that once, too.. I wondered about the heartbeat as well.

  • tipton3314 says:

    has anyone thought that what is said at 2:44 kill me,it could be a spirit bieng taped without the taper nowing it..just a thought…

  • mikesey1 says:

    Very likely.

  • mikesey1 says:

    I agree with you. Holding secret meetings, where the public is excluded and photography forbidden,can be counter-productive, and may lead to unwarranted gossip and hostility.We should learn from history, for the currently enjoyed freedoms may change for the worse in the future. Some in Glastonbury should take note of this fact.

  • vern13603 says:

    what was said at 2:44 was kill me, someone was not well aware of what the ritua was about or the lenght.

  • Morgana0x says:

    Wonderful video!

  • templemu says:

    Hard to capture rituals on camera; but actually this is quite good.
    I’d love to show the flowering of the erect penis (real Maypole) as part of a Beltane rite but the video would just get flagged; I should say that the image of the penis would be more inspiring than seeing images of war and death, but there you are!

  • Chetallica says:

    Very nice celebration, wish I was there!
    Others can say what they want about not being “authentic”, too sanitized, etc”..we are in a modern world and must adapt our beliefs to meet our modern world.
    The important thing is it is great to see that there are places where celebrations like this can be held out in the open, and not hidden away for fear of some kind of retaliation by those that do not respect or appreciate others beliefs and passions.

  • mikesey1 says:

    It sure is, but I’ve had one or two “explanations”, most rather esoteric.

  • mikesey1 says:

    I’m afraid that I am not qualified to give an adequate answer to your note. I have to say though that this is a public celebration, with anyone free to attend, hence the back-packs!
    As it was a public event it has to conform to certain “niceties” which might not accord to those celebrations held elsewhere in the world. I enjoyed this uplifting experience and others probably did too.
    The significance of the Maypole was outlined in the side-panel notes; even a mere videographer like me knows it..

  • lollygoa says:

    The celebration is too modern, sanitized, and earnest to be authentic, regardless of the chalice well setting, or nifty cloaks.
    Lots of spectators with backpacks, hmm?
    Where are the actual Beltaine rites of fertility – this is a mummery – there’s more the actual presence of the Goddess spirit at a full moon rave. No cloaks and flowers in the hair, but actual and not representational surrendering of the conciousness. Nice Maypole, tho. I wonder if anybody knows what it really represents….

  • SilverButterflyWings says:

    ooooo 2:44 i heard it too very odd

  • mina031964 says:

    i heard it too, loud and clear 🙂

  • mikesey1 says:

    Yes indeed! Thankyou very much for the response, AiasAthineos!
    Blessings. Mike.

  • AiasAthineos says:

    Hello Mikesey1, You might be intersting to see videos from the Promitheia gathering which occurs annualy in the Mount Olympus in Macedonia, Greece. It looks very similar to this…

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