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beings in those worlds. It can be used to alleviate distractions and to provide for intensified concentration.

PHANTOMS – A Phantom crystal appears ghostlike within the body of a larger crystal. Owing to the method of its formation, a phantom has absorbed learning over eons of time. Putting the past into perspective, it points the way toward growth and evolution and is helpful in overcoming stagnation.
Phantoms come about by an interruption in the growth process of the crystal, which caused an outline to form within the crystal when it continued growing. At some point, millions of years ago, the crystal stopped growing because there was not enough mineral material to continue its growth. When new mineral material became available the crystal began to grow again but a layer of another material may be included in the crystal, outlining where this stop/start process occurred. A Phantom crystal symbolises universal awareness. Its purpose is to stimulate healing for the planet and to activate healing abilities in individuals. For this purpose, it connects to a spiritual guide and enhances mediation. It also facilitates accessing the Akashic record, reading past lives and recovering repressed memories to put the past into context. They help understand that growth requires the right materials and is a continual process, even if there are breaks in-between the stages of growth. They help provide the patience and trust needed to remain open to the Divine Love and generosity, which surrounds us – helping us to understand that, even though we may not get what we want, we always get what we need. Phantoms can help us trace back down our time line into past lives, adding true understanding to the meaning of the word growth. Meditating on the

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