Developing your Inner Spiritual Guidance
As the world becomes more connected through the technologies of communication, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual guidance is no longer easily found in our daily lives, and this can cause feelings of overwhelm, meaninglessness, and an inner sense of disharmony and emptiness.
In today’s world as we face unprecedented challenges both individually and collectively, there is also a very high level of daily stress that is constantly affecting our bodies, minds and emotions. Our daily lives are filled with intensity as we witness widespread social, political and climate change, uncertainty about the future, and fear of the unknown.
If these weren’t enough, there is also the effect of greater spiritual light expanding on the Earth, which is helping us to awaken spiritually, but is also creating a major cleansing process for us on all levels … spiritually, emotionally and physically. The pain of the past that we may have buried from our consciousness begins to surface into our awareness, bringing old feelings or physical symptoms to light.
We are all developing ways to cope with the increased levels of stress in our lives today. There are many spiritual tools and transformational supports that can assist you in reclaiming your inner connection with yourself. Once you create an intention to reconnect with your inner being, you will begin to draw to yourself the people, situations, and supports you need.
One of the most useful and simple ways to navigate through these very intense times is to develop a deeper connection with