Question by Chay: Did astrology become a pagan rite after the Tower of Babel?
I have heard that, in the Old Testament, the original zodiac was named after the 12 tribes of Israel and after the Tower of Babel they became pagan.
I have also heard that the greatest books ever written on astrology are in the Vatican and are not available to anyone.
Best answer:
Answer by Tahuti Reincarnate
There are records of Astrology dating well before the Tower of Babel.
What do you think? Answer below!
The greatest books ever written on astrology are nearly as great as the greatest books ever written on the tooth fairy.
Astrology is waaay older than the Bible.
Who knows on the second part.
Most forms of astrology pre date the bible and doubt that the Vatican would have a non Christian sacred text.
lol, the tower of babel is like the dumbest of dumb stories.
Tell me, why dont any other civilizations seem to have any record of the time they were in the middle east building a tower, when god got mad and changed all their languages and then scattered them to all corners of the world (and remember, for creationists, this was only like a couple thousand years ago)……yet nobody made any record of that in say…China
That is a false claim about astrology, especially since the twelve tribes did not exist at the time of the Tower of Babel.
Astrology is not a pagan rite.