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Question by Xander T: Did my hairdresser do me a favor? What do you think? (This is a spiritual question. Read more.)?
Yesterday, I went for a haircut and asked to have it very short. But the hairdresser misunderstood and lopped off almost all my hair. At first I was angry, but then something dawned on me. In metaphysics, there is a belief that a residue of your emotions is stored in your hair, kind of like the rings of a tree tell its history. They say that cutting your hair is a way of separating yourself from that emotional energy.

I’ve gone through a lot of stress over the past two years and I’ve had every negative emotion possible. I’m working on improving my attitude, but I wonder if this botched haircut is a blessing not a curse.

Could this be why women who divorce or breakup with boyfriends cut their hair? And which comes first? Do we get shorter hairstyles to break off from past emotions and “energy”? Or the opposite?

Have you or anyone you know had a haircut to make an emotional or spiritual break from the past? Did it work?

Best answer:

Answer by The CAt in the Tin Foil HAtv18
What if your bald?

Add your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to Did my hairdresser do me a favor? What do you think? (This is a spiritual question. Read more.)?

  • Don H says:

    What ever you see as a blessing is.

    What we chose to see as a curse is too.

    Love and blessings Don

  • Buckeye Bill says:

    Honey, you ain’t Sampson———good luck.

  • General Dogbitz says:

    is shaving your legs allowed if the emotional stress isnt too great?

  • Emmy [Redux] says:

    You might want to consider that the symbolic act of cutting your hair off gave you some sense of catharsis that made you feel better– just so you don’t use haircuts as an emotional crutch in the future.

  • Blue girl in a red state says:

    Someone cutting their hair off could be metaphoric for changing their old life. Or it could just be because long hair is a pain in the asss to keep.

    But hair is just hair. Why give it more meaning then it has?

  • Rudy Can't Fail says:

    Years ago an old girlfriend and I had a very traumatic breakup and she cut her hair right after. I didn’t think about it till just now, but I started shaving my head a few months after the break up, and I had long hair before. Interesting…

  • xapao says:

    very true, because when you have less hair you can feel the air as it pass through your head making you feel free and refresh

  • Joe says:

    Yes she did you a favor. I don’t believe that emotions are somehow entangled in your hair, however, she did open your mind to new possibilities. Many people are so concerned about how others perceive them that they are afraid to take risks and chances.

    While you didn’t consciously take a chance, the end result is the same. You as a person aren’t defined by your hair.

    I guess the reason many people cut their hair or get a new hairstyle after a breakup is to try something new or get a fresh start. If the person they broke up with liked their hair a certain way then they would probably change it after they break up too.

    Enjoy the new you!

  • timsy says:

    I think you are right whenever i am stressed out i go for make over including facial, hair cuts and i feel good as if i have thrown some of my negativity .

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