Question by king_of_crusade: Did you know that Muslims are Pagans???
Muslims pray 5 times a day but not to the true God the god of Israel, they pray towards a Pagan city called mecca, towards a Pagan temple called (Kabba), to their god. A BLACK STONE? yes its true, ask any Muslim, what god did the Arabs pray to before Islam, guess? Allah the same god!!!!! its a Pagan god a MOON GOD. Thats why you always see the cresent moon in Muslim culture. Islam itself doesnt make sence Christians belive in the Jewish books, and belive Jesus himself is spoken of, espically in Isiah. But nowhere does it speak of the false mohammed.
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Answer by rissaofthesaiyajin
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I am Pagan. We do not count Muslims among our ranks. We don’t care that they gave the name of their moon God to their monotheistic deity, that does not make them Pagan. The pre-Christian God used to be a sky God, like Zeus and Thor and (gasp) Amon. So Amen. Get over it. We’re tired of seeing this question. Move on. Thank you.
This is a spurious question and an insult to both Pagans and Muslims. Reading some Pagan theology would be helpful to you.