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Discover Weight Loss Spells’ Motivating Effect

Weight loss spells. I am sure that you have heard a lot of them recently. With the current health situation, there is urgency for all of us to be concern with our health. The primary indication of one’s level of healthiness has to do with weight. Gone were the times when being portly or on the heavy side was a sign of good living and affluence. These days people are watching their weight by being particular on what they eat, what quantity, how it’s being served, what is being placed with that dish, and by exercising and living right.

I have heard of several weight loss spells. One that I find interesting though is that of what my good friend says: “May what I eat nourish me and keep me fit.” Though it is a simple spell, or more like a mantra, its simplicity illustrates the importance of being healthy. Another weight loss spell that charms me involves very simple things that are needed. Before eating a meal, perhaps half an hour, take 5 glasses of water signifying the elements of earth, water, fire, wind and man. I also suppose that those 5 glasses of water does fill up your stomach as well.

Weight loss spells, mantras, chants and the like are all good self motivators for you to achieve your goal. They in themselves may not magically make you thinner overnight, but they may enable you to eat one less spoon of that pound cake that your mom made. They in themselves may not instantly transform you the next day to two dress sizes lower, but they may remind you to take an extra glass of water before the meal starts. They may not make you into the prince charming after a day, but they may add to your confidence. Weight loss spells, and others like that aren’t shams in itself but perhaps a reminder that allows you to be the better person you can always become. These spells are self motivating guides, constant reminders that we tell ourselves to achieve what we want to happen, whether it be to lose weight, gain friends, be more productive, be more kind, be more responsible, be friendlier, be a better person

Weight loss spells may not be considered really as a weight loss method but it does have a great influence on how we think. And oftentimes, the effectiveness of any diet program will start and stem out from our motivation, our state of mind.

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