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Disproving Psychic Abilities

Psychics provide an opportunity to explore a mysterious world that lies just beyond our five senses. Opening a door to the supernatural realm of spirits and other worldly phenomenon psychics hold the key to the future that is yet to be.

Some skeptics say psychics do not exist but many experts disagree. Considering the expansive collection of unexplained phenomenon, in the world, it is hard to dispute the possibility of psychic powers.

We do know that we only use about 10% of our brains resources. So, what is the other 90 % for? It would stand to reason that it has some function. Right? So, is it not possible that somewhere, in that untapped potential, resides a sixth sense?

A sense that allowed us to survive a much darker time when man was forced to compete with oversized predators and elusive prey. Only armed with the power of the human mind, steely wits, and an opposable thumb mankind was already a formidable adversary. However, the addition of keener senses or an additional sixth sense would have made humanity unstoppable.

The ability to sense, that which lies beyond our five senses, would have been an invaluable tool to early man. It may have allowed the survival of the human species, as we know it today. However, as time went on and living conditions became easier with the domestication of animals, honing of learned skills, and the ability to form agrarian societies these abilities may have atrophied.

Our psychic abilities may have atrophied to the point that they became anatomically and physiologically vestigial in nature. The genetic combination responsible for the psychic trait may now rarely appear except aberrantly, in a chosen

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