@davidcirce hey yeah your right they do work(:I love it.Im still learning I just started acouple of days ago and I found one spell for 3 wishes and it worked!(:
Nicely said.But i’m curious if you ever spell magic with a K.. I noticed that the views are 333. That means half evil….Some joke a friend showed me. =)
YES!!! Spells really work!! I’ve done many and most of them have worked for me…I’ve lived wonderful manifestations out of my spells…so yes, yes, yes!!! they also work the way you explain here. but, definetly, they work, if they don’t,…that’s me closing their way, all the times. But yes, sometimes I still fight with those doubts too hahaha but the balance is pro spells for now.
My family is of the Taino tribe and the bloodline is thick of magic that has been explored and passed down through generations. So I am not familiar with book magic, but I agree that with true magic, materials can be irrelevant. I learned the hard way that it does work, to respect the power, and to be careful and conscious of what I do.
Very well said!!! To me, magick, is like an intimate dance of where you begin to discover your connection with source, and that you have the ability to create miracles. It is a beautiful gift that we have been given, but I have often found that it can get very legalistic (use this candle or that herb, etc)…and we end up forgetting the intimate dance of creation with our thoughts, words, intention, actions, etc.
Thank you for your wisdom and heartfelt expressions of the truth of inner self being the place where healing starts.Your thoughts and words resonate the beauty of your openness to others beliefs and practices. This, I believe, represents the place where peace begins…in the heart whilst recognizing tolerance as part of personal growth towards positive resonance of Love Life Energy. Peace, Paul
I like what you related to all of us who will listen. It is definitetly our ‘intent’ in all situations that is important. And the witches rede, “harm none” You said in beautifully and sincerely. My hat is off to you!
My Dear Lady Goddess I kneel before you….and offer My Devotions to you .. that you may be well and happy … I fly this flaming Pentagram of Love to you … as my Love as I visualise it . as I project my Intention to you that we may be as One in The Cosmic Ocean of Love ….focus…. Now !! that you feel this Love in you and around you .. that you know you are cherished and adored … and that this is only possible because of your kindness and attraction…because you are Love X 93s X Telos X
Yup! You’re right. The accoutrements don’t mean much, it’s what’s inside, what they symbolize to you. A person only needs focus, feeling, intention etc. Tools can help but, like you point out it’s what’s inside that makes magick work. Beautiful thoughts, thank you for the video.
This is so right on! I couldn’t have said it better….and I have found the best spells are the ones created by me and not followed by a book. You’re always so beautiful! Hope you’re enjoying summer!
Yur hair is sooo Gorgeous,i love yur videos,soo magical,i love any positive energy,if it helps us get through this crazy life,thats what matters,getting through it!!!xxx
I find that magic is the only constant. Its everywhere all the time. To me casting is just a way of controlling or manipulating it. Magic is just the full use of the five senses. Most just play and don’t understand how powerful it can be or how serious it is. Simple common sense working in harmony with nature Most cast spells hoping to get something for themselves( love power knowledge,etc) Most don’t know they already have what they seek nor how to invoke it to there advantage!! BB )O(
You said it just right! I never go by with… “is this going to work if I follow this direction?”. No, I don’t even question itl. I know it because I followed my own direction. I know what needs to be done, how it’s done. Whether through candle magick or any other methods. My prayer is answered once I put it out there in the universe. You nailed it right! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I am in total agreement.
Blessed to you =i=
Amen, its what we intend that affcts others….regardless of belief systems, as a christian I coul;da hope for the worst for others here on earth…but wouldnt it be far better to hope for the best, no mattr what else comes about to be in me face
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@davidcirce hey yeah your right they do work(:I love it.Im still learning I just started acouple of days ago and I found one spell for 3 wishes and it worked!(:
Nicely said.But i’m curious if you ever spell magic with a K.. I noticed that the views are 333. That means half evil….Some joke a friend showed me. =)
YES!!! Spells really work!! I’ve done many and most of them have worked for me…I’ve lived wonderful manifestations out of my spells…so yes, yes, yes!!! they also work the way you explain here. but, definetly, they work, if they don’t,…that’s me closing their way, all the times. But yes, sometimes I still fight with those doubts too hahaha but the balance is pro spells for now.
My family is of the Taino tribe and the bloodline is thick of magic that has been explored and passed down through generations. So I am not familiar with book magic, but I agree that with true magic, materials can be irrelevant. I learned the hard way that it does work, to respect the power, and to be careful and conscious of what I do.
super video …
Well said indeed!
Very well said!!! To me, magick, is like an intimate dance of where you begin to discover your connection with source, and that you have the ability to create miracles. It is a beautiful gift that we have been given, but I have often found that it can get very legalistic (use this candle or that herb, etc)…and we end up forgetting the intimate dance of creation with our thoughts, words, intention, actions, etc.
Thank you for your wisdom and heartfelt expressions of the truth of inner self being the place where healing starts.Your thoughts and words resonate the beauty of your openness to others beliefs and practices. This, I believe, represents the place where peace begins…in the heart whilst recognizing tolerance as part of personal growth towards positive resonance of Love Life Energy. Peace, Paul
at 2:37 was the capstone on all beliefs
very well said
Very well said! I’ve these words in my heart for a while and someone put them together for me! Blessed be!
yes, the magick comes from within, all my tools were gathered from nature or thrift stores, so almost no money value goes into my stuff
Thank you for the video and for saying it so well… I’m looking forward to your next creation ? ?
Beautiful message from a beautiful lady. Your heart is so pure that your messages spring forth like a melody. I think you’re an Angel. I really do.
I like what you related to all of us who will listen. It is definitetly our ‘intent’ in all situations that is important. And the witches rede, “harm none” You said in beautifully and sincerely. My hat is off to you!
My Dear Lady Goddess I kneel before you….and offer My Devotions to you .. that you may be well and happy … I fly this flaming Pentagram of Love to you … as my Love as I visualise it . as I project my Intention to you that we may be as One in The Cosmic Ocean of Love ….focus…. Now !! that you feel this Love in you and around you .. that you know you are cherished and adored … and that this is only possible because of your kindness and attraction…because you are Love X 93s X Telos X
Yup! You’re right. The accoutrements don’t mean much, it’s what’s inside, what they symbolize to you. A person only needs focus, feeling, intention etc. Tools can help but, like you point out it’s what’s inside that makes magick work. Beautiful thoughts, thank you for the video.
Terrifiv Video! Very well said!
This is so right on! I couldn’t have said it better….and I have found the best spells are the ones created by me and not followed by a book. You’re always so beautiful!
Hope you’re enjoying summer!
Yur hair is sooo Gorgeous,i love yur videos,soo magical,i love any positive energy,if it helps us get through this crazy life,thats what matters,getting through it!!!xxx
Hello, Midnight Mist (said in a deep, sulky and sexy voice!). Nice vid – thanks for sharing it with us. I hope all is well ..
I find that magic is the only constant. Its everywhere all the time. To me casting is just a way of controlling or manipulating it. Magic is just the full use of the five senses. Most just play and don’t understand how powerful it can be or how serious it is. Simple common sense working in harmony with nature Most cast spells hoping to get something for themselves( love power knowledge,etc) Most don’t know they already have what they seek nor how to invoke it to there advantage!! BB )O(
You said it just right! I never go by with… “is this going to work if I follow this direction?”. No, I don’t even question itl. I know it because I followed my own direction. I know what needs to be done, how it’s done. Whether through candle magick or any other methods. My prayer is answered once I put it out there in the universe. You nailed it right! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I am in total agreement.
Blessed to you =i=
Amen, its what we intend that affcts others….regardless of belief systems, as a christian I coul;da hope for the worst for others here on earth…but wouldnt it be far better to hope for the best, no mattr what else comes about to be in me face