Question by alfieboy: Do you think Being Bi-sexual is Inteligent?
Ok, so i believe that no one should discriminate against the gender of which you choose to have sex with. i believe that, although you may be attracted to the opposite sex, it is only because society or, the “should” book of life, said so. and as for homosexuals, i believe that they don’t realize that they are really bi-sexual, and that again “should” pressure has set them on a one track mind of one volition. So, intelligent is the one who doe’s not limit him or her self to the pressure and guidelines of (again) the should book! do you agree, disagree? before you answer, maybe you want to clarify part of this question you don’t understand? ask me and i’ll respond with additional details. Oh and another thing, i know i cant spell or structure words, so don’t answer with some dumb ass remark, because then you embarrass the both of us.
to steven, the first idiot to show him self…..
why did you answer the question with an idk?
Best answer:
Answer by Steven
I am a 19 year old boy, I have a 19 year olf girlfriend, and no I am not bisexual, so no I wouldn’t know, sorry.
Give your answer to this question below!
It’s all about where and how you build the energy.
Sexuality isn’t a position you can negotiate. There is a spectrum of attraction that everyone can be placed on. On the one end are heterosexuals who are solely attracted to people of the opposite sex. On the other end are homosexuals who are solely attracted to people of the same sex. Somewhere in the middle are bisexuals who have varying degrees of attraction to either sex.
Heterosexuals aren’t pressured into only being attracted to the opposite sex; they just aren’t sexually attracted to the same sex. For homosexuals, again, there is no pressure to be attracted to the same sex; they just aren’t interested in the opposite sex. Look at homosexuals who have tried to have relationships with the opposite sex and how they end up in failure. It just doesn’t work.
I think the question is being able to recognize that some people are attracted to both sexes (making them bisexual) but that not everyone has this dual attraction.
As for bisexuality as an intelligent position, I think you are denying yourself a reasonable judgement of your sexuality by defaulting with “everyone is bisexual.”
Personally i don’t think someone’s sexuality has anything to do with their intelligence, first of all they are two completely different parts of the human being, second of all i am no one to assure this since i obviously don’t know you but i would say that anyone making this comment and saying that someone who is bisexual is more intelligent for not comforming to just one gender is simply masking the fact that they are homosexuals themselves and for the fear of not being categorized as that (in our sooo critical society) they are bringing in the irrelevancy of intelligence into the equation. Being gay, straight or what not should not be a factor of one’s mental capabilities, and it’s not. G’luck
You can’t qualify a person’s IQ by their sexual orientation. We naturally follow where attraction leads us; our brain usually can’t get a word in edge-wise!
Being bi-sexual is neither intelligent nor unintelligent. Being bi-sexual simply is.
All of us are sexual beings and, given the choice, we will all have sex with someone who is ready and available.
bi-sexual and intelligent?
um yeah, thanks for the aids. way to help humanity.
I don’t totally agre with the entire question. I do believe that being able to see through a lot of the dogma of sex from a Prostant view is a little bit intelgent but not completely. I think it perhaps more to do with the abllity to know oneself. And to respect oneself. I think inteligentance has less to do with it. Because not everyone is going to bi and not everyone is going to be straigt or gay. It’s cool that some people are going to try to be whatever they are going to try. But in the end the person is going to have a perfence. And it’s cool that a bi person seems to be the most free at least in you eyes. But haven’t you ever heard a bi person say man I wish I could just like one or the other and then I wouldn’t feel so confused. And that’s not to say that person that is bi is confused because if they are bi and they know that they are in their heart but the person that is stuck in middle and they don’t really want to be there. But yeah after reviewing your question again I would have to say that I disagree with you.
Bottom line being inteligent and matters of the heart don’t always connect over-anlyze and disconnect the heart.