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Question by world: Do you think that ouijie boards, tarot cards, Magik art, dungon and dragons, all witchcraft games were ?
Distributed into society by Satans secret society to cause a unholy pabtism and place people into spiritual bondage so that they can turn you into slaves and recive the spiritual mark of the beast by being forced with witch craft to go through there secret ceremony of transcendental meditation were at the end they insist that you worship all there Gods includeing the Devil Beast and false prophet.

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
Sure, dude.

What do you think? Answer below!

27 Responses to Do you think that ouijie boards, tarot cards, Magik art, dungon and dragons, all witchcraft games were ?

  • Thor The Almighty says:

    No and only crazy people think that they were.

  • SunshineSpots says:

    I’m not sure, but I don’t mess with them. I don’t mess with anything otherworldly, no matter how fake and harmless it may seem.

  • Courtney? says:

    ummm sure.

  • crankyissues says:

    You should seek help from a professional…..

  • pufferoo says:

    I doubt it.

  • ncgrl says:

    LOL ,, curious minds like to know eh?

  • pendolino says:

    “Ouija” “Dungeon”

    Its just another load of hog wash like religion.

  • lesley s says:


  • Don Desengrasador says:

    No you’re thinking about the Bible!

    The other stuff is cool!


  • Billy S says:

    Seeing as how my mom and grandma use tarot cards, I play Magic and Dungeons and Dragons, and none of them are as steeped in the occult as outsiders assume them to be (or, in the case of the Ouija board, as effective as they assume it to be), I would say….yes.
    I am Satan.
    Fear me.

  • ?Sunny Girl? says:

    Yes I do. Anytime a person opens their minds to stuff like this, it gives Satan an avenue to enter in and take over in their lives. This stuff is “scary” stuff to dabble in.

  • mooseback333 says:

    Ok explain how Dungeons and Dragons fits into the same group as the others. Your just ranting about things you have no clue about aren’t you? Just spewing your brainwashing on others. How quaint.

  • prissy_kitty says:

    Tarot cards and witchcraft games are fun

  • Epona Willow says:

    You never fail to amuse me. Thanks for starting my day with a chuckle.

  • harshmistressmoon says:

    No, I think they have been a great asset to our economy. They sell, make a business money, the business expands, hires more people, more people employed means more money spent equals a better economy and a richer society.

    Can’t find anything evil with that.

  • art psycho says:

    Yes definately. The evil secret societies are working very hard to corrupt and fool all the unbelievers to ensure a high population in hell because they will be forced to fight in Satans army in the final battles of armageddon and slay all the rapturers they can before they can get pulled up to heaven by gods angels.

  • Brent Y says:


    They were invented by people who knew that taking advantage of suckers is profitable, and they could save a bundle on promotion by letting gullible fools like ourself keep people aware of their products. Ouija boards don’t work, but they still sell, because people asking dumb questions like this one arouse curiosity in the suckers.

  • June smiles says:

    I think those things are dangerous, especially to the weak minded, easily manipulated, timid and/or otherwise likely to make poor choices and let themselves be influenced by exposure to them.

  • feona )O( says:

    shouldnt you be in church?

  • monkeyhead says:

    I doubt it, you could throw Harry Potter in there as well.

  • wuzzle665 says:

    I hope not…. I’m supposed to go play D&D here in a few hours…

    No, I don’t think those things are evil… I think that the people who use them as excuses for why they (or others) do horrible things are just weak minded.

    Just like the parents that claim rock and roll made thier children suicidal. I feel very sorry for them, and my heart goes out to them. But they are grasping at straws, and looking anywhere they can find to place blame.

    A little soul searching would go a long way towards dispelling these falacies.

    If you think that something goes against your religion, by all means, avoid it like the plague! But don’t tell me I’m being “seduced by evil” because I want to level my druid.

  • idahomike3 says:

    most so-called occult stuff is nothing more than a deception of the forces of evil… but do not be fooled… the forces of evil are very real… I knew the truth of evil long before I came to know The Truth of God… I can tell you from personal experience that using ouiji boards can indeed summon the forces of evil… the danger is real

    satan in is not in the recruting business… all he is, is a deceiver… all he can do is try to keep as many as he can from learning The Truth…. in doing so his forces can cause great harm and even death… do not mess with the forces of evil.

  • rlrose63 says:

    ROFL! You’re kidding, right? Someone forgot their medication again.

  • Gypsy says:

    that’s to obvious don’t you think… when we talk about what Satan has put on the earth look at christianity and catholicim and the destruction of human civilizations and cultures. not to mention the war, bigotry, hatred, and violence they leave in their wake… the softer versions of these religions are just a front for those like the KKK… Satan likes the enigma of it.

  • Cassie G says:

    No. I don’t think that.

    I think that the Christian god and the Christian Devil are their own worst enemies, and people who are not Christian don’t have to worry about it. Do you worry about Loki? I doubt it. Why? Cause you don’t worship him.

    Tarot cards are used for meditative and insightful purposes

    Magick is the equivalent of prayer. Its the directing of one’s will towards a goal to create change. Prayer does it all the time.

    Ouiji boards are freaky, I have to admit. I don’t like them. When you put protections around them, they don’t work, so who are you talking to when the protection is gone? No one you want to be talking to in the first place. Thats who.

    Dungeons and Dragons is a role playing game. Role playing is when someone plays the part of a character they made up, and when a decision needs to made that would be based on chance, dice are rolled to see how the decision works out. Its not related to witchcraft at all.

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