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Question by world: Do you think that ouijie boards, tarot cards, Magik art, dungon and dragons, all witchcraft games were ?
Distributed into society by Satans secret society to cause a unholy pabtism and place people into spiritual bondage so that they can turn you into slaves and recive the spiritual mark of the beast by being forced with witch craft to go through there secret ceremony of transcendental meditation were at the end they insist that you worship all there Gods includeing the Devil Beast and false prophet.

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
Sure, dude.

What do you think? Answer below!

27 Responses to Do you think that ouijie boards, tarot cards, Magik art, dungon and dragons, all witchcraft games were ?

  • theminchiman says:

    This is the most ridiculous, far-fetched question I have read on her so far!

    And the question is?

  • Kat says:

    Wow. What are you, a cult leader? Do you realize how insane and paranoid you sound?

    I’ve played Dungeons and Dragons for years. Do you have any idea what D&D is really all about? Let me tell you:

    I get together with a group of friends between the ages of 26 (me) and 43. We all bring food to share, and sodas and tea. We sit around a big table with our books, our character sheets (pieces of paper with info about our game character) and a bag of dice. We roll dice, battle imaginary monsters, joke, laugh, and eat tons of good food. There is no evil, mysticism or animal sacrifice…unless you count the time we did a cookout…lots of steaks and pork chops were sacrificed that time.

    D&D is a game just like any other board game. Before you start preaching about something, learn more about it. There is absolutely nothing evil about getting together with friends to play D&D…no more than “Poker night” or “Rummy Night”.

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