Question by scotsman716: Do you think the Force is real?
The Force is a binding, metaphysical and ubiquitous power in the Star Wars universe.
The Force is first described by the Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, as an energy field created by all living things, that surrounds and penetrates living beings and binds the galaxy together.
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Peter
Thats what I think God is. A binding force that has no real concious or motive but simply exists and is inside every living organism. It can be manipulated but never changed.
Give your answer to this question below!
i believe in the force more than i will ever believe in god..
I believe there is a force, but not in the sense of a Jedi/Star wars sense. There are forces that drive us to do good or evil things, and each and every human on this planet is linked and persuaded by these invisible forces, but few are aware while others choose not to believe.