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Question by allisonrae xO0: does anyone know how the magic sex joke goes?
i know its something like a guy asks agirl if she knows what magic sex is and she says no & he says like i fuck you and you dissapear or something but does anyone know if thats right?

Best answer:

Answer by Brian F
Yeah you pretty much got it right. Here’s what I found:

A guy asks a girl ..”Have U Ever Had Magic Sex?
She Says No “How Do U Do That?
He Answers “We Fuck Then U Disappear…

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One Response to does anyone know how the magic sex joke goes?

  • DontChaWishUrGFwasHotLikeMe says:

    yes, it is what the guy said before
    but heres another one.
    (and im typing the whole this out, sp best answer plz!!)

    A man is going on vacation for a week and suspects that his gorgeous wife will cheat on him. He explains to her that he will buy her a sex toy, so when she feels the need for sex, she can turn to it, instead of another man. The man goes to the store, and the storekeeper shows him a types of dildos. The last one the store keeper shows him is the “magic dildo.” The storekeeper explains that this dildo will have intercourse with whatever you tell it to. To demonstrate, he said “magic dildo, my wife.” The dildo flew automaticly to the back of the storeroom, where the man saw the dildo fucklng the storekeeper’s wife, and doing a good job with it. He decided to take it, even though it was three thousand dollars.

    The man drove home happily, and told his wife the great find he bought. She was doubtful, and angry. The wife said, “You just got ripped off, ‘magic dildo’ MY ASS!!!!”


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